--------------------------------------------------------------http://www.bettersoccermorefun.com/dwtext/countera.htm wrote: COUNTER ATTACKING STYLE
- "The accent in the counter attack style of play lays on the defensive team
function, with the emphasis being on the defender's own half of the field
and letting the opponents keep the initiative of the game. This is to take
advantage of the space behind their defense for the buildup and the attack."
Rinus Michels
The playmaking style examines what is needed and what to expect when a team is at a higher level than their opponents. They can 'carry the game' and determine what speed it will be played at. The counter attacking style is useful for teams that are playing against them or might want to defend a lead.
- Key Ingredients For The Counter Attacking Style
The teams defensive organization is in its own half. Teams will want to "limit the space behind the back line and the goal." The 'defending' will start around the midfield line. It's important that individuals don't chase the ball too deeply into the opponents half and leave gaps between the lines. Each line must stay compact and avoid getting separated from the other's creating a 'block' defense. "In the first place, a good counter attack team needs to have a strong defensive line with players who will remain calm even under high pressure. These players are good technical defenders, as for example, the Italian defenders. These players do not fear having to play defense in their own 16-meter area."
Use the organization to stop the opponents build up and attack. With so many players committed to defending in such a small area the attackers are faced with significant problems. A big one is how to penetrate the defense for a shot. With the players ahead of the ball tightly marked and the space for dribbling through the defense reduced attackers can become frustrated and impatient. "... It is also required that the tactical coherence between the defenders is optimal. In that manner, you can close down the operational attacking space of the opponents." Attackers who become impatient have taken the first step towards making a mistake in judgment which is what the defenders are looking for.
Defenders keep the play in front of them. By limiting the space behind them defenders can be content to allow the attackers possession as long as they play in front of them and just outside shooting range. While the player with the ball must be pressurized it is not at the expense of the defensive organization. Patience is a virtue and choosing the correct moment to win the ball is an art. Protecting the goal and controlling the attackers is more important than immediately chasing after the ball.
Launching the counter attack. The decision of whether to counter or build up the attack must be made immediately. As soon as the ball is won or even better, before. Good players will read the situation, calculate the probabilities, make a decision and act. Speed of thought and action is essential for successful counter attacks. It's vital that counter attacking teams use the few seconds that they have before the opponents can reorganize into their defensive shape.
The counter is on when: The player who has won the ball can find a target forward. This means that he'll have to be facing the opponents goal and have the space to pass forward and a target to pass to. Defenders who have to chase opponents towards their own goal, or trap the ball facing the side line, are in a poor position to start a counter. They have a poor view of the field. Players who intercept a square pass while facing the opponents goal, win a tackle and their first touch is into the space behind their opponent towards their goal and players who intercept a through pass while the attacker has run past them are in a good position to start a counter attack. In the first case, the defender has beaten at least two players, and possibly an entire line and should have open space in front of him. If he's a top player he might only have the goal keeper between him and the goal. In the next two the player who wins the ball is usually moving into open space. He'll need to get his vision up quickly and find a target. (Compare this section to the defensive 'hunt' in the playmaking style. Deny the deep/forward pass until the defensive shape can organize. This is why the defensive aspect of the playmaking style is so important.) Finally, if the player who wins the ball is pressurized and cannot play it forward, has no idea or cannot make a deep pass, the counter can still be on if he quickly gets it to someone who can. Use supporting players quickly.
The runs. In counter attacking soccer teams can count on certain situations repeatedly. The ball is usually won in recurring situations and players are usually in certain positions. It has a predictable nature. "When a counter attack team regains possession of the ball, certain players will run set patterns (pattern play) so the counter attack will be successful and can be performed at a high tempo. On the other hand, every player can get involved in the counter attack as long as the situation allows for this. It is all about choosing the correct moment to get involved... Mostly, the fast target player who is good with the ball is the basis. With the big spaces around him he remains an important target to play the ball to. He takes the pressure off his team by being able to quickly receive a long pass." The caveat of choosing the correct moment presents a problem for youth teams. Almost everybody (coaches included) thinks that everyone should take every opportunity to go forward. When this happens the teams shape disintegrates due to a lot of unnecessary runs. Players become fatigued for no good reason. This also assumes that the attack will be over quickly and that these the runs won't serve any useful purpose to the team. One solution is to limit the number of players that are allowed to go ahead of the ball in a counter attack. This helps to conserve energy and insure that the basic team shape is ready for the next assault.
Strengths and weakness. The counter attacking style is the easiest to organize and is the best guarantee of getting a result. Compared to the playmaking style the technical and physical requirements are lower. However, there is still a great demand on individual and team discipline and the need for speed on the break out is absolutely vital. A big problem for teams that are dependent on the counter attacking style is how they adapt when they're behind. If your game is based on the opponents coming at you and they are content to hold the ball nothing is going to happen. The counter attacking team will have to change the way they play. "The situation in the match forces the team to change to this (playmaking) style of play. Usually the coach will substitute a player; for example a forward or an attacking midfielder takes the place of a defender. The coach can also choose to change the description of the tasks or the guidelines concerning the defensive, buildup or attacking team function."
In the diagram at right the counter attacking team is concerned with not conceding any space behind it. A strong, confident back line with a defensive block in the center of the field, a good goal keeper and the team will give away very little. When the team wins the ball it must be passed forward quickly, usually to the a fast target player. Then, only a few players will look to get ahead of the ball depending on the situation. The rest of the team will close up quickly behind the ball to offer support and prevent a counter against themselves. See the counter attacking game. Since the runs from deep inside your own half tend to be very long, in excess of 50 -70 yards, players will need to develop an 'eye' for when to follow up and when to let the attackers go on their own. 'Pick the runs that will bring a return on your investment. A match is no time for fitness training.'
What happens when two excellent counter attacking teams play each other? "A good example of this is the championship match between Germany and the Czech Republic in the Euro '96 tournament in England. It was a match between two teams who both favor counter attach style football. The Czechs put themselves in the underdog position and forced the Germans into becoming the favored team. Thus coach Berti Vogts had to change his tactical plan for the match. This meant that he had to put a bigger emphasis on the functions when his team was in possession of the ball (buildup and attack.) This is not an easy assignment for a counter attack team."
This style is very intense, you should wait till your players are older.
http://www.bettersoccermorefun.com/dwtext/totalsoc.htm wrote: PLAY-MAKING STYLE
- "'Total Football' and its attacking pressure are very spectacular. It places great demands on
individual and team tactical excellence... An absolute prerequisite, to master such a team
tactical aspect, is that all the players possess a positive mentality, including the substitutes." 6
Rinus Michels
The playmaking style, also known as Total Football, is one of two team strategies, the second being the counter attacking style. These two styles are at the base of all the decisions about how a team will play in a match. The decision which style to adopt will determine the functions and responsibilities inside the team and how to conduct training sessions. The playmaking style is the hardest to prefect and is beyond the capabilities of most youth teams. In order to play this style of soccer certain key ingredient's must be present. Not some, or in some measure, but all and in spades. Without doubt the most important is to take the field with the correct mentality, the 'Amsterdam Bluff' as it's called in Holland.
- "On the day of the 1974 final even West Germany expected Holland to win. 'They were a better team,' said Uli Hoeness later. Winger Bernd Holzenbein recalled: 'In the tunnel, we planned to look them in the eye, to show them we were as big as they were. They had the feeling they were invincible - you could see it in their eyes. Their attitude to us was, "How many goals do you want to lose by today, boys?" While we waited to go onto the pitch I tried to look them in the eye, but I couldn't do it. They made us feel small." 3
Sjaak Swart on Ajax: "When we played in our own stadium, teams who came here were afraid of us. In the bus they were already trembling. Many old players have told me this. Before the game started, it was already 1-0 to us." 3
- Key Ingredient's For Playmaking Soccer
The predicted outcome determines choice. The playmaking style is only effective when you believe, and can back up, that you are better then the opponents, see above. If the predicted outcome is 4-0 to you, you can do what you like. If it's 4-0 to the opponents then you'll do what the opponents want you to do. One goal games, 1-0, 2-1 present a problem. While you can attempt to use the playmaking style, you're likely to be spending a good deal of time in the counter attacking style as well. Everyone in the team must understand and accept the decisions about how the team will play, that it is the best choice in the given situation.
Trust. The players must have complete confidence in themselves and each other. That the plan is correct and everyone is capable of carrying out their part. This is only possible when the players really know one another, when they play 'instinctively.' Youth teams usually don't have enough time together to reach this level. Swart observed "It came from playing together a long time." The playmaking style is a high risk style. It requires very high ambition and very low fear of failure on the part of everyone. "However, structural team building makes sure that: the players have confidence in each other, there is calmness in the games actions, the essential team spirit and team tactical views are present."
Higher level of TIC and fitness then the opponents. If the opponents are better in some area of the game they can provide sufficient problems that the playmaking style becomes too difficult. They can either become the playmakers themselves or so dangerous on the counter attack that fear becomes a factor. In the first case the opponents can have the ball a lot, and the playmaking style assumes that they won't. This means that you'll be defending, playing negative soccer, more then you'd like and expending energy in ways and areas that are not a part of the plan. In the second, fear leads to a safety first approach and this runs contrary to the mentality of the playmaking style, calculated risk taking. The team can play too conservatively, hesitate and become so preoccupied with what the opponents might do that they forget about what has to be done. (This applies to every member of the team. In a close game any weakness in even a single player can defeat everyone's work.)
Since most of the game will be played in the opponents half players will find little space and often play in a numbers down situations, i.e. 1v2, 2v4 and so on. Superior technique is a prerequisite to maintaining the necessary speed of play. Without it players will lack confidence and the ability to maintain the attacking pressure.
A higher level of insight and communication is necessary in order to seize opportunities. The correct moment to act will involve two or more players and there is not enough time for anyone to call instructions, let alone get any from the coach. Everyone must read the situation in the same way and arrive at the same conclusion. They must simultaneously act in a split second. The playmaking style involves a lot of nonverbal cues and communication. It is read, react and think later.
The fitness level needs to be very high. Constant changes in tempo and prolonged periods of elevated speed of play takes a toll both physically and mentally. The key players have the responsibility for determining the match tempo. It needs to faster then the opponents can handle but within the capabilities of the team. And remember the old adage, sometimes you have to go slower to go faster.
Adaptability. Mobility, the interchange of positions, is very important, but, so is speed. Players will need to cover for each other as they take advantage of opportunities but this must be done quickly and without hurting team efficiency. This means that players who switch positions usually do so with the players closest to them, i.e. right back and right midfielder or left wing and center forward. Every player must have mastered all of the basics in defending and attacking skills, notably both sides of 1v1 so that they can handle the demands of their temporary positions.
Specific roles. Teams line up at the start of a game for a purpose. To get the best out of each individual and to hide any weakness. The central defender and the center forward are the best available for their jobs at that moment . So if the central defender spends too much time up top then at least two positions are being occupied by players who are not ideally suited for the roles. This upsets the balance inside of the team and results in less efficient, slower, play. The interchange between positions is temporary and players need to resume their key functions as quickly as possible. Sometimes it is only a limited number of players that have the actual 'freedom' to change positions. The majority of the team constitutes the 'work talent' which, by definition, play in the service of the 'key players.' This does not relieve the 'key players' of any burden. Just the opposite, they have the added responsibility of leadership and having to use 'their extra qualities' in order to win the game. In this situation, while the 'work talents' can lose the game, they do not have to win it.
Concentration. Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness. A break in concentration by a single player can disrupt the entire team effort and start a chain of events that can lead to disaster. The playmaking style requires tremendous concentration for long periods, like driving at high speed in heavy traffic for long distances. It is stressful and wearing. It is also presents a problem when a substitute comes on and is not up to the mental speed of the game.
The attack starts where you win the ball. In the playmaking style it means defending in the opponents half. This prevents the opponents from retreating and, as long as you can prevent the deep pass, reduces the space in which to 'hunt' the ball.
- "The main aim of the attacking pressure football, the 'hunt', was: regaining possession as soon as possible after the ball was lost on the opponents half during an attack. The 'trapping' of the opponents on their own half is only then possible when all the lines are pushed up and play close together. This automatically means that you give away a lot of space on your own half and you are vulnerable to counterattacks... You need to control the opponent if you want to play an attacking style football!"
The 'hunt' means two or even three players pressurize the player with the ball. The idea is that the first won't win the ball but forces a hurried pass. The second defender immediately applies pressure to the receiver forcing another hurried pass so that the third defender can win the ball. The 'hunt' is not strictly a man to man or zone defending scheme. Instead, every opponent ahead of the ball is marked and the rest of the team marks the players and space in the vicinity of the ball. Opponents who are behind the ball or in positions where they couldn't do much if they got it, the least dangerous men, are left free. This allows the defenders to concentrate in the area around the ball. They must still watch opponents, tracking down any that attempt to move forward and, above all, prevent the deep pass into the space behind the last line of defenders. When this is done in the opponents half it puts the attackers under tremendous pressure. Only when the opponents are able to successfully relieve the pressure will a playmaking team retreat back closer to their own goal.
When the ball is regained it is critical that it is not given back. Ideally, winning the ball in the opponents half should present an immediate scoring opportunity. However, the space is likely to be very crowded. In that case the ball should be protected by passing it quickly to a supporting player and away from danger. Young players can get 'ramped up' when they're defending and lack the composure to make the correct decision, (to build up or counter) when they come out of a tackle. They often simply give the ball back to the opponents and have to start defending all over again.
Learning the playmaking style is very difficult. It is designed as a means of breaking down packed defenses. It requires that the team master rapid ball circulation, both sides of 1v1, a lightning response to a change in possession, the ability to work in very limited space, the ability to change the tempo, speed, of the game and the ability to maintain concentration for prolonged periods under great stress. A tall order for young players. If their education is only started at 11 a side then only the best will be able to grasp the fundamentals and be able to contribute to the game as they get older. "This risky style of play demands individually a lot of football capacity. It entails that you often have to operate in small spaces during the build up and attack and defend large spaces with few players. This style of play requires a methodical process in the youth program, and also specific types of players; such as wing forwards and defenders who get involved in the attack." Games like 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 can serve as the starting point and building blocks for developing not only the skills, but the mentality for playing this style of soccer and assist in youth development.
The lighter area in the diagram shows the space where playmaking teams prefer to play. The orange team has committed all ten field players to the opponents half and their goal keeper has come forward to act as a sweeper behind the back line. As long as they can keep the game in this space they face little danger and the opponents will be under constant pressure. The danger for the playmaking teams is the space behind the last line of defenders. A single long pass to a fast forward can put ten orange players out of the game. The defensive phase must involve the entire team. Playmaking teams cannot function against quality opponents with a sweeper that plays ten yards behind the back line or forwards that will not, or cannot pressurize. They will lose the battle in the midfield and have to start their attacks too deep in their own half. Simply put, it is more then just quick ball circulation, the rapid interchange of positions and all out attacking play. Without a clear commitment by everyone to do the dirty work necessary to regain the ball and neutralize the opponents it is more risky then the return brings. In fact, without the high pressure defensive 'hunt' and a smooth, quick, efficient transition from defending to attacking/building up play the playmaking style is difficult if not impossible to pull off.
"The advantage of this play-making style is that you are capable of playing it under all circumstances. You always take the initiative, and you must do that. However, if you fail to carry the play and get under pressure, then the opponent will take advantage of the weak aspects of the style you are playing."