Excellence ~ Integrity ~ Potential
Cumberland Utd will be holding trials for all players looking to play 19s, Reserves and Seniors in 2012.
When: Every Tuesday and Thursday from the 22nd Nov until the 20th Dec.
Time: 6:15-8:15
Where: AA Bailey Reserve, Winona Avenue Clarence Gardens (Home of the Foxes)
All sessions will be run by the Cumberland United Football Club Senior Coach “Neil Young”. Neil has played over 500 games of professional football in England and was the FFSA “Coach of the Year” in 2009.
Contact 0406 899 989 for more info.
Please bring a drinks bottle, shin pads, boots and sneakers
AA Bailey Reserve - Winona Avenue Clarence Gardens, PO Box 258 EDWARDSTOWN SA 5039
Phone: - 8293 4012 Fax: - 8371 4177 http://www.cumberlandunited.com.au ABN: 53 407 536 330
CUFC Senior Trials
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