Hello South Australia,
Just wanted to inform you that the 2nd Football Scouting Australian Roadshow is taking place Sydney, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania in the 2011 April school holidays.
Blackburn Scouts and another International Standard Club Scouts (To be confirmed shortly) are attending and will be assisting with the coaching whilst also selecting a minimum of 5 kids for FREE player trips to the UK for Trials. (6 kids were chosen for free trips to The UK in November and all have been invited back by Blackburn Rovers).
Good opportunity to get viewed and be apart of something different in the school holidays.
For any enquiries you can contact us on:
Email: australia@profootballtrials.co.uk or nathan@ukscouts.co.uk
Phone: 0423 542 548
Web: http://www.profootballtrials.co.uk
Facebook: Nate Scout Gray
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