This forum is for the discussion of women's football, the fastest growing participation sport in Australia. This includes local women's football and the A-League Women.
Great comeback of Sturt today in the Prems.
Great result for them, considering they lost 5-0 their last game.
Sturt confirms to be an excellent side versus one of the best (if not the best) in the tournament.
those that dont have skill just hack. i really dont want to go into things anymore. i dont want to be seen as a sore loser but i know there are a few teams out there pretty jacked off with the stuff they get away with
Gubs, i watched the second half of Metro/Fulham and my opinion is that if you give and can't take don't play. I did not see any deliberate fouls apart from Fulham players pushing Metro players after the ball was played. Not having any involement with both clubs i thaught Metro handled the game better than Fulham and therfor deserved to win.
well isnt it funny how u can see more when u play. as i said, this is not just from one club. its not about being able to dish it out n not take it. i dont give any out but for some reason i copped it twice today...cant work tonight. totally unacceptable challenge...hack
ballmaster wrote:Gubs, i watched the second half of Metro/Fulham and my opinion is that if you give and can't take don't play. I did not see any deliberate fouls apart from Fulham players pushing Metro players after the ball was played. Not having any involement with both clubs i thaught Metro handled the game better than Fulham and therfor deserved to win.
gubs wrote:well isnt it funny how u can see more when u play. as i said, this is not just from one club. its not about being able to dish it out n not take it. i dont give any out but for some reason i copped it twice today...cant work tonight. totally unacceptable challenge...hack
Im with Gubs on this one.
They do seem to regularly put in unacceptable challenges... and yes, it is expected occassionally, but when theres several clubs saying the same thing you gotta wonder if theres actually something in it.