This forum is for the discussion of women's football, the fastest growing participation sport in Australia. This includes local women's football and the A-League Women.
So Campbelltown will now drop to divisions 1 and 4...
Unfortunately as the results would indicate, this club is unable to continue to maintain their position in the Adelaide Airport Premier Division and the FFSA have been faced with two options, either reallocate Campbelltown City to other divisions or Campbelltown City will withdraw from the Adelaide Airport Premier Division and consequently the Reserve Division, resulting in the loss of two teams. After careful consideration the FFSA has made the decision to reallocate Campbelltown City from the Adelaide Airport Premier Division and Reserve Division.
The impact of this decision is that Campbelltown City will be moved to Division 1 and Division 4, the two leagues that currently cater for a bye. It must be noted that Campbelltown’s performance will be monitored in Division 4 and if it becomes apparent that their inclusion in this division is having a negative impact due to the results gained, the team will be removed. With the inclusion of Campbelltown City in Division 1 and Division 4, all teams that had previously had a bye will be required to make up the game against Campbelltown City. Campbelltown City and SAWSA Park will be made available to assist in the playing of these games as night games. Campbelltown City will not take part in the Division 3/4/5 Cup Competition.
what a load of soft cockker spaniels. toros were getting beaten easily still and played out the whole season...well done WC your making our league a laughing stock....drop the club for the whole season and come back next year
wendy should pack up her stuff and get out of there, she has ruined this competition the last few years, if we cant get our normal league running how we going to be any good in the A league, and the most disgraceful things is that Ebbs has to sit out a whole season cause off absolute crap, rules are there to be changed or amended, no different to when every new premier league team gets at least 2 seasons in that division......WC give it away, you are killing womans soccer in SA ,
I don't know if this is all Wendy Carter's fault like you guys say. Is she really the one that makes these decisions? I'm not saying she's not, I just don't know.
Anyway, what's for sure is that in any job in the world, if so many things go bad in one year and always resulting from poor decision making planning etc of the same ppl, the one(s) in charge would get the sack. Two jobs in SA are safe, no matter what they do. The one in charge of women's football at FFSA and the one in charge of the Lady Reds at Adelaide United. Wendy Carter and Mike Barnett get all the blame because they are the front liners. If it's them who actually are responsible for the poor management that everybody is witnessing, then they are really doing a disgraceful job. If there is someone else behind them, then they are even worse because at least MB and WC are out there getting the blame. I don't know exactly who does what (do they even know?), but they are making everybody feel bad about the sport. Hope someone (but who?) notices and makes changes for the years to come.
The sport is obviously managed by ppl who are NOT COMPETENT. Not a personal attack, but unfortunately a FACT.
wendy was the one that made the decision on the reserves
wendy was the one that made the decision not to give toros a second season in prem league
I know you read this wendy cop it on the chin and have disgraced the game with your decisions lately give someone a go to try and fix it...if it can be fixed...shame shame shame
Cumby are now bottom of the table................Will their application to be dropped down go in next week
or will we get a surprise and finally have a club show some pride, fight and just plain old guts...........
Do the hard yards;put in some hard work;develope their playing group with the passion required instead of
taking the easy and spineless options we've seen teams take so far this season..
NOTE: no disrespect to cumby just happen to be bottom at the moment.
I am only new to this have read plenty of posts over years but cannot sit by and not make a comment on this one. I know all the girls at Campbelltown very well and would just like to make sure everyone knows that regardless of what happens to these teams not once has any of these girls talked about giving up if anything they have been all geared up to improve and work hard to achieve better results through rest of season. They are a great group of girls who will be very disappointed in this decision.
put it all the hard work you want..but i heard that the campbelltiown girls tema jsut isnt up to scratch... and needs to play in a lower division, with other teams that are at equal playing abilities...or maybe even drop down 2 divisions.... coz they are jsut an embarressment!
i am a coach in div 4 and am not too happy about this. so you can drop a side down 4 divisions half way through the yr. were any other clubs informed of asked about this situation?
These girls had made the decision to work harder to develop into a better team and I feel that this is the wrong decision as now they have basically destroyed the Campbelltown team and the moral of this great group of girls who were never going to give up When will it end Womens Football in this state is crap you have those few top teams who attract all the girls then the rest are just made fun of. I agree that they havent been up to scratch but they never will not being able to stay in the prems.
fairgame...i can tell you are a mother of one of the girls... coz you talk abotu team moral...and working hard...but football is about results, and getting points, playing for fun is when your a kid, womens and mens adult football is for points....and if you have a team work really hard, but get no results and no points, wheres the fun in that?? ... never winning a game...wheres the moral boosting there?? ..maybe, jsut maybe, they arent good enough for their division, and would have better success in a lower division.... and therefore enjpoy their football more.... so fairgame, think about it as a football point of view...and not from a mother or fathers point of view! THANK YOU!
i played at ctown last year and the team was aight in prems, if the club knew how to recruit properly the team could of been much stronger this year, obviously the coaching shambles didnt help last year but this year theres been good players who have left and more coaching atm things have gone pear shaped and yea maybe not good enough for prems...but will be too good for div wat the heck do u do?! and the ressies got told not to beat teams by 5 goals or more in div 4 so it dont look bad LOL....i dunno what to really say but i think the whole league is a schmozzle so yea watevz
I do know what I am talking about have been involved in soccer for a lot of years in junior senior mens and womens I never said once about playing for fun just about playing at a decent level the problem with womens soccer is there is just not enough teams and the difference in levels from one div to next is enormous and the problem will be that Campbelltown as a club will lose players over this decision so ultimately the competition will be even smaller which wont help the situation I dont know what other decision could have been made but this just seems very unfair on the girls who are genuinely trying and training very hard I feel that maybe they should have been helped as now those girls have just lost a whole season of playing at a decent level
So true this whole womens league is a schmozzle no wonder so many girls just give up
sparts wrote:i am a coach in div 4 and am not too happy about this. so you can drop a side down 4 divisions half way through the yr. were any other clubs informed of asked about this situation?
Apply to go to div 5
or move to prems......plenty of spots available..........
what is the point? we earned promotion last yr and want to build a platform for future years. the game is not all about winning, full stop. if you cant handle it dont play, drop divisions so you can win and be happy...joke
so what happens now then IF Ctown are able to beat the Div 1 teams like they were getting beaten in Prems??? How is that fair. And why the hell would you make these changes nearly 6 rounds into the friggin season?! Stick it out and restructure it next season like any other league in any other sport would do for god's sake. Stop being soft and caving coz they couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen. No disrespect to Ctown at all as I'm sure they're just as insulted as the rest of the clubs effected.
Biggest load of bollocks I've heard since... well the last decision the FFSA made to be honest.
Mind you doesn't surprise me since they did something similar last season when Eliz Dwns joined in after 4 rounds so lots of catchup games again.... what a farce seriously, why the hell do we bother playing in this shite league!!! :? :? :?
Dont know whose decision it was but I can assure you all the girls were prepared to stick it out although you would have to wonder why with all the coaching problems and now this I dont know why any girl would want to play soccer in this state it is all just a farce bit like state, sasi etc
As a football coach and someone who has coached a team in a different sport who had simular problems as campbelltown and to a degree Para hills I can have empathy for both clubs. Do you stay and battle on or do you cut your losses and drop down? Within the othe sport they do a grading after 3 games if getting flogged you go down except at the top levels. That is state league, state league reserves and then top 2 divisions under that. If you are lossing the decision to move you down comes after the season.
Our problem here in Football is that there is 'NO' set procedure on promotion and relegation. Now I don't advocate 2 years to settle but I also know that the gap between prems and div 1 is big and most clubs would struggle. What is needed by firstly the FFSA is a clear set of guidelines that all clubs involved with the FFSA have to adhere to, doesn't matter if you lose by big scores or not you sign up to the FFSA contract you take it on the chin or leave.
Next increase the prems to say 10 or 12 teams this way the 'lesser' teams are 5 or so not 1 which becomes the whipping team. Like posted previously say Gawler, Para, Campbelltown, Flinders, Adelaide Uni, Pathers, Toros, Stirling, Downs, Hills etc etc etc. This would mean the top 4 are out there in front but the rest sit have some good games and slowly with the right structure your club can improve, however if your team fininhed bottom you go down and the next div 1 comes up. No ifs, no buts no nothing you move up and dod the same as everyone else.
Surely with this structure the clubs have something to plan and build on and the league surely will improve?
Adelaidepie Julian
Notts County Football Club the oldest and still the best. Black and White magic
sparts wrote:i am a coach in div 4 and am not too happy about this. so you can drop a side down 4 divisions half way through the yr. were any other clubs informed of asked about this situation?
I think the reserves side dropping into div 4 is the biggest joke of all of this. Saying if they effect the results too much they will then be taken out is also a joke, that would never happen. If it's an option it should happen now, some of the reserves girls could strength the now Div 1 side, and others could find other clubs for the rest of the year.
I think the Div 4 games v Campbelltown should not count. Sure it can be a 'scratch match' every week that was supposed to be a bye, give those girls a run, but results from those games should not stand, they should not be able to influence or change the tables, it is completely unfair.
spitshine69 wrote:put it all the hard work you want..but i heard that the campbelltiown girls tema jsut isnt up to scratch... and needs to play in a lower division, with other teams that are at equal playing abilities...or maybe even drop down 2 divisions.... coz they are jsut an embarressment!
I think YOU are an embarrassment.
No one should be embarrassed for trying. The only embarrassments are YOU and the FFSA that with these shiraz decisions make the game a BIG FARCE and make everybody unhappy. This will only result in the good ones leaving the club and going to other clubs. And then next year what!? 4 teams? 2 teams?
sparts wrote:i am a coach in div 4 and am not too happy about this. so you can drop a side down 4 divisions half way through the yr. were any other clubs informed of asked about this situation?
I think the reserves side dropping into div 4 is the biggest joke of all of this. Saying if they effect the results too much they will then be taken out is also a joke, that would never happen. If it's an option it should happen now, some of the reserves girls could strength the now Div 1 side, and others could find other clubs for the rest of the year.
I think the Div 4 games v Campbelltown should not count. Sure it can be a 'scratch match' every week that was supposed to be a bye, give those girls a run, but results from those games should not stand, they should not be able to influence or change the tables, it is completely unfair.
Only too right that ppl in D4 complain about this.
Where is the fairness???
Even in what if C'town wins D1? What are we all supposed to say? Well done? whom?
There should be relegation (playoffs) and THAT ARE THE GRADING GAMES!!!!! Premier League with 6 teams and other leagues with teams getting in and out...what a crap year for women's football. How is it possible that leagues (look at the juniors too) keep being re-structured every week??? The only answer is that ppl in charge DON'T HAVE A CLUEEEEE!
as i said drop the whole club .get ur shite together and come back next season...this is going to fark up the whole structure...wendy please.........its time to go.......and neits...head high your work in this area has been outsanding
kingy80 wrote:so what happens now then IF Ctown are able to beat the Div 1 teams like they were getting beaten in Prems??? How is that fair. And why the hell would you make these changes nearly 6 rounds into the friggin season?! Stick it out and restructure it next season like any other league in any other sport would do for god's sake. Stop being soft and caving coz they couldn't stand the heat in the kitchen. No disrespect to Ctown at all as I'm sure they're just as insulted as the rest of the clubs effected.
Biggest load of bollocks I've heard since... well the last decision the FFSA made to be honest.
Mind you doesn't surprise me since they did something similar last season when Eliz Dwns joined in after 4 rounds so lots of catchup games again.... what a farce seriously, why the hell do we bother playing in this shite league!!! :? :? :?
I think they made this decision so that now nobody can be upset about the Prem/Res/D1 cup draw anymore coz that one compared it's a good call
GOLD CRAP AWARD goes to FFSA for Campbelltown out of Prems decision!
SILVER CRAP AWARD goes to...FFSA for WLeague rule decision!
BRONZE CRAP AWARD goes to...FFSA (!!) for Cup Draw decision!