could never condone wat florina player did ta start it all off coz all that were there with a brain will tell you he was well out of order,[both clubs] but ya no wat happens on a pitch should stay on a pitch an 20 odd blokes invading the pitch an yeah it was an invasion.... [exept 4 steve main he didnt wanna walk that far ta get involved] BECAUSE HE IS A FAT ....
no body would hang around 4 that an each an every1 of yas just dont like stav .
an look hope downs lad is ok he is a nice kid an doesnt deserve a king hit noone does, [an that is sincere ...]
rexie good work lookin out 4 him after bud, atleast u didnt 4get hes a mate matter how silly he was
HE WHO DARES wrote:could never condone wat florina player did ta start it all off coz all that were there with a brain will tell you he was well out of order,[both clubs] but ya no wat happens on a pitch should stay on a pitch an 20 odd blokes invading the pitch an yeah it was an invasion.... [exept 4 steve main he didnt wanna walk that far ta get involved] BECAUSE HE IS A FAT ....
no body would hang around 4 that an each an every1 of yas just dont like stav .
an look hope downs lad is ok he is a nice kid an doesnt deserve a king hit noone does, [an that is sincere ...]
rexie good work lookin out 4 him after bud, atleast u didnt 4get hes a mate matter how silly he was
the downs lad is alright i think it may have been a slight concussion in the end not 100% sure but he was relaxing back at the club last night. As the offender is also a mate of mine it was dissapointing to see him do such a low act but he knows he fucked up.
Yeah very dissappoiting to see that happen when the game was a very hard fought and contested game. There was not even a hint of dirty unruly play during it and it went from that to a mass frenzy all in a n instant.
it is hard to stick up for mates in this situation particulalry when so many people saw it and how blatant it was. But Has and alway will be a mate and you need to stick by them. In saying that definatley do not condone what he did and literally felt sick for most of the afternoon after it happend as I did not know what to say.
Do agree the the few (definatly not 20) people who did enter the pitch did let our club down, and the few we know who did it have had a stern word given to them, was hard to see them all in that situation. But what made it wose was that Stav ran out of the pack, and then off the pitch, if he actually stayed on I think it could have been handled differently but the Ref and ground officials. But by running off let the door open for spectator to give their 2 cents worth. The peron wh chased him down main north road was asked to leave stright away and did. It is wrong, and he should not have been chased, but unfortuanely, when you have a reputaion like that as a player it does follows you.
All in all a very bad decision by young Stav and he knows he has let lots of people down from both clubs and on a personal level by that display.
On the plus side a great A grade game. Think we are the only team to take all 6 points of Florina this year so its a good achievement for what was avalible. Now bring on gardens in the cup! Last time we finished 2nd in the leauge we woon the cup, so maybe we can keep that nice statistic going.
I think my drinking club has a soccer problem.....
I am definately not a big fan of the Downs, but I must say that the officials at the club handled this situation very well. It was a good gesture that they asked the fan that chased him to leave.
We definately do not condone what Stav did, and I know many at the club felt dissapointed and let down by his actions. I personally was enjoying the game, and was p1$$3d off that it ended the way it did.
I wish all at the downs the best for the upcoming cup, and the off season, and I look forward to continuing the rivalry next season.
'Winning doesn't really matter as long as you win.' - VINNY JONES 'It was like the ref had a brand new yellow card and wanted to see if it worked.' - RICHARD RUFUS