Following on from DiCanio's 'Chilean' topic, how many more teams will fold next year:
- Intamba pulled out of Div 5 before the season started
- Central City Tigers have pulled out of the Reserves in Div 4
- Maiwand forfeited their Reserves last week (and maybe this week as well judging by the 2-0 loss to Greenock)
- Chilean have forfeited twice in the last three weeks
- Adelaide Buffers in Sat Div 3 have been pounded a few times
Also, there has be
It is not a good sign for the SAASL - the way it stands they will be struggling to fill 5 x 10 team First Team & Reserves Leagues on Sundays!
Buffers dropped out of Saturday Div 3. In fact, the only reason that Saturday div 3 is still around is probably due to the numbers at Adelaide Uni, Flinders and Old Ignatians - all are running their C/D sides as first team and reserves. Also for some reason the SAASL put Munno Para C2 in Division 3 as a one team only instead of putting them in Division 4 (which is the C League/1 team league - there are a few 'one team' clubs in this division). Otherwise, we might have seen two 12 team Divisions 1 and 2.