Unknown 'FOOL' Spreading Rumors about Macedonia

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Re: Unknown 'FOOL' Spreading Rumors about Macedonia

Post by ExtraTime »

club man wrote:Who ever has started the Rumor Macedonia is about to fold, is WRONG. The club is extremely confident that Senior Coach Tom Menzies and his support staff will do just fine. WE WILL NEVER FOLD- The FOOL who started the rumor, person 'UNKOWN' is ill informed, get your facts right 'MATE'.
club man wrote:Again must I inform you IDIOTS this was a Rumour started by A PERSON know to me, I wished to inform the forumites to the fact we are not folding, so grow up and get on with life, do not know why you Idiots get a thrill out of trying to upset me, Can tell you NOT WORKING!!!!

Almost 10 A-Grade players gone, that is going to make things hard for us, I wonder how we are going to survive, So who are these 10 players that kept Macedonia Alive???? Well looks like the Cheque Book has to open up to replace them.

So do you know the person or not?????
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Re: Unknown 'FOOL' Spreading Rumors about Macedonia


God is an Englishman wrote:
club man wrote:Again must I inform you IDIOTS this was a Rumour started by A PERSON know to me, I wished to inform the forumites to the fact we are not folding, so grow up and get on with life, do not know why you Idiots get a thrill out of trying to upset me, Can tell you NOT WORKING!!!!

Almost 10 A-Grade players gone, that is going to make things hard for us, I wonder how we are going to survive, So who are these 10 players that kept Macedonia Alive???? Well looks like the Cheque Book has to open up to replace them.

I heard the rumour from you though
ME TOO ... :lol: :roll: :)

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Sexy Football
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Re: Unknown 'FOOL' Spreading Rumors about Macedonia

Post by Sexy Football »

Gawler Federation, Tea Tree Guly, Elizabeth etc....so i have heared
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