New Junior Structure 2014

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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by themessenger »

Željko Jurin wrote:When kids give up the game, or go to another club, how else are we to get new players .... trials

We also have and need JSL teams
Curious on two points.
Why do you "need" JSL teams?
And you have no-fee academy for 11s and 12s players. What about 13s and older?
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by de niro »

Željko Jurin wrote:We also have and need JSL teams
Now... this is an interesting topic! When JSL was introduced, I, like many expected player movement such that the more talented players spread themselves evenly amongst the 30 mens clubs in order to play at the highest level, JPL. I'm sure this was the FFSA plan as well, to ensure the JPL comp had all the best players. But this doesn't seem to have happened and we see many kids accept JSL spots at some of the 'bigger' clubs rather than play for a 'lesser' club and play JPL. All with the hope of getting into the A team at some point. Some do, many don't.

I could see this trend continuing, with players willing to forego a spot in an SL club for a spot in the JSL comp (or whatever it will now be called) at a PL club.

Perhaps the way to make kids think twice about moving club to play JSL would be to make the difference between the two 'leagues' more demonstrative. Far fewer games for instance?
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by DUKE BLUE »

matty2323 wrote:
DUKE BLUE wrote:Will young ZB leave? & why not? We developed him into a medal winning talent in the "industry Cup"..... :D

Seriously though ask this boy why he won't leave his club?.....your club.

Some people remain for their own reasons... & these may be the right reasons?
im unfamiliar with young ZB? i hate to admit it, but i dont know every junior at the club unfortunately. I know not EVERY kid will leave, but the fact remains enough will. Those 3 u16s are proof. The 2-3 playing u14's are another example. 5-6 potential first team players that left for the A division (right or wrong reason, they still left). Like themessenger states, this new structure does little to improve the competition and development of kids, and just favors certain clubs. Its hard to see it from outside the comfort zone of the PL.
.....15yo having regular runs with 18's & also call ups for ressies. he may have been in your U14 team in 2012......maybe i got the last name wrong but he is a cool player who can do most jobs...I have him in our end of year kick around's down at the vale (industry cup).

anyway he is very loyal to your club & it would be interesting to know why he wants to remain there...
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by DUKE BLUE »

fossil wrote:I like this paragraph & have to agree .......why would you leave a club close to your home if the coaching is fun, fair & of a high standard? Kids will play regardless of what league they are in. Peer pressure may entice them to leave but if they (the kids) think about why they are moving clubs they would then challenge their loyalty....ask yourselves why are you loyal to your club?

Community feel?
Racial / traditional values?
Safety & Security?
Success of Seniors?
Junior player wanting to give something back to your chosen club?

Juniors & Seniors must be aligned...common goal's....producing talent that will play 200+ senior games at your club or producing exceptional talent that will not only take your clubs name but also our STATE name into the global market.

Clubs desire to produce standardised coaching from SSF teams through to the junior age groups.....effectively producing junior talent that can walk into a senior team and pinch best player votes off seasoned established footballers.

If you feel like you belong at your club ..... You will remain at your club.....acceptance & tolerance.

Ask yourselves how many families have been at your club for 3 or more years and feel as though they belong or make a contribution of sorts?

Ask yourselves who are you bringing into your club to make the difference to your "culture"...movers? Or shakers? Or people that just sit in the background and "p1ss take".

This club development cannot be done by one or two people....but can be very successful if you have a number of people with the common goal, prepared to rollup their sleeves and mostly have the "kids" best interest at heart.

It is a tough one....there will be clubs that may suffer as a result of the decision being passed down by the governing body. But if the kids are treated with dignity and shown some things outside of what they have shown themselves....they will remain because they know they are in a learning environment that allows them to be creative in a team philosophy.....why would you leave?

Most of us have gone through school and can isolate one or maybe 2 good teachers in that period of schooling.......Imagine if we all went to a school where every year level we had that unbelievable teacher who made a life long impact...I can assure you we would not be on football forum reading & commenting as we please.

People may be looking at Raiders as a bench mark?? but I can assure you we are barely scratching the surface on this comment..... and each year attempting to improve from the previous. This is not about winning championships this is about producing players & or developing players to further their capabilities....feel good about themselves and confident enough to try things on the football a competitive environment.
ask what happens when people may do all this and feel great but the level of comp is poor or the team is relegated and other players leave the team as they are not in it for the same reasons it's the clubs that loose out.
is it not bad enough that the code looses so many juniors at 16-18 due to no extra divisions in FFSA for the overflow of players and once you fill the senior sides you may only take 5 players a year what about the rest :roll: no wonder the amatures love the FFSA for supplying fresh players each year.
will more players stay or go back to E&D to play u/6 - 18's for the promotion and stay for amatures that go from div 6 to div 1 and that club may have senior teams in each division not just 1.[/quote]

Just a "hair brained" point i will say...."what if"?
... what Raiders are developing now in a decade become senior players & that team becomes relegated..?? Surely the coach would be accountable but this could happen....the senior players may move on chasing "coin" or would they remain & give back to the hard to re-enter the PL?...who knows?

If the level of competition is poor develop your own within this with the opposite feet to develop balanced players, pass around the pitch (own half), challenge the defenders under pressure, before you can go forward...don't shoot at goals from distance or easy score have the forwards beat the defenders with a "trick that you have shown them from TV" this would also include the goal keeper...challenge them further..... play the entire game with 1-2 touch football.

Who knows what the outcome might be if & when the "new" system is introduced. We will not know until it happens. As they say at work "Change is as good as a holiday" you leave your job because a few things have taken you out of your comfort zone?...not sure...or do we try and understand why the change is happening? any project if it is not communicated well enough it will take longer to ebrace & effectively get off the ground.

For the talented ones...we all know the funnel at the top becomes narrow but the whole idea is keep everyone playing football...if the ammatures inherit talent developed from other that a bad thing?

Seems to me too many factions, FFSA, E&D, Ammatures...But these are choices & we are enttled to them.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by matty2323 »

.....15yo having regular runs with 18's & also call ups for ressies. he may have been in your U14 team in 2012......maybe i got the last name wrong but he is a cool player who can do most jobs...I have him in our end of year kick around's down at the vale (industry cup).

anyway he is very loyal to your club & it would be interesting to know why he wants to remain there...[/quote]

i had a ZMB in my under 14's and under 15's team, believe he came over from the downs. Very talented youngster, pit he was a chelsea fan! haha. He stays because he likes the club and is getting opportunity.. just like most kids while they're getting opportunity and feeling "challenged". My concern is when they either stop getting opportunity, or stop feeling challenged (playing against poor sides in the B division)... would they stay then?

There is lots of ifs and buts, and im more then happy to step back and see it from a broader perspective. I put up my arguments, create debate and we discuss it. My view points come from a SL club who is trying to re-identify itself and restore its reputation, and i don't believe the new structure will help my club.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Željko Jurin »

themessenger wrote:
Željko Jurin wrote:When kids give up the game, or go to another club, how else are we to get new players .... trials

We also have and need JSL teams
Curious on two points.
Why do you "need" JSL teams?
And you have no-fee academy for 11s and 12s players. What about 13s and older?
If kids and families want to remain at the club, and we have the coaches and facilities, why not ?

I don't know what you mean by 'no-fee academy' ?
I said the u11s, u12s, and u13s train 3x a week didn't I ?
Of late, u12s and u13s have reduced due to Stic and Sapsasa

u14, u15 and u16, probably due to kids school and coaches availability, only train the norm 2x a week
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by ikon »

Željko Jurin wrote:
themessenger wrote:
Željko Jurin wrote:When kids give up the game, or go to another club, how else are we to get new players .... trials

We also have and need JSL teams
Curious on two points.
Why do you "need" JSL teams?
And you have no-fee academy for 11s and 12s players. What about 13s and older?
If kids and families want to remain at the club, and we have the coaches and facilities, why not ?

I don't know what you mean by 'no-fee academy' ?
I said the u11s, u12s, and u13s train 3x a week didn't I ?
Of late, u12s and u13s have reduced due to Stic and Sapsasa

u14, u15 and u16, probably due to kids school and coaches availability, only train the norm 2x a week

wouldn't this be a major reason to move clubs?- how many clubs offer this as part of their fees?...great stuff.
more and more clubs will be moving to 3 trainings a week i feel...when you have coaches take adavantage i say. Value for money in my eyes.

as for JSL...its still a vital element for PL another option for lack of game some a's get , allows underage kids a chance to fill in and keeps good people/kids around the club ...its when JSl teams are formed for $$$ ( fees) that things get messy..clubs dont just have players they have actual people involved as nephew took 5 years to crack a PL club but kept trying until he made it because his younger bothers played there and wanted to play with them at the same club...he gets great game time in his u.15 jsl team which has improved him as a player and he also referees junior games..having a JSL team in his case has been a win win....many of the players in his team realise they are not a's but just want to keep playing also helps when these kids take up coaching and have been around the club to understand culture.

my issue is when clubs take 1st year players of the game at u/13's, 14's 15's just for the $$ and throw a parent to coach...there is no real strategy here just greedy clubs wanting numbers.

JSL is a vital part to any can also safe guard clubs if a rogue coach leaves and takes the a's team with him.. i have seen some boys play at 3 different clubs in 3 different years...this is the crap that needs to be weeded out ...its not the structure thats wrong its clubs with no strategy and rogue coaches...

the SL clubs with no strategy will suffer..know the space you operate in and do it well.....Macca's doesnt sell itself as a 5 ** dining? and they realise any good managers wont stay around for ever...they pour $$ at training and development yet cant keep the cream of what they different here........whats your clubs identity? push for PL , Sl clubs need $$ and resources...
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Cobweb Rides Again »

All these players jumping clubs, is and has happened for ever and a day under our current structure!

This new structure, as I see it will initially see a flurry of activity but will reduce the player drain to a trickle over the years.

To Matty2323, I have seen the passion you have for your players and teams you are involved in.

Your club is currently reinventing itself from the inside out, with new blood, ideas, genuine passion and a determination to lift itself.

Just as you instil belief in your junior players, and the belief of yourself as a player, you must also have the belief that your club will climb its way to the top.

That climb will not happen over night, but with the right planning, foresight and fortitude you will make it........but then what,

it will get easier?...., because all these talented juniors will flock to your club?......I don't think so,....because you would have got there with your own home grown crop of players who have been given the opportunity to play and express themselves with your club.

I've been around a number of clubs now and seen some of these really talented juniors right through the grades (U6 to U17's), and as you know not every one can or will
"go on with it".

'Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater, just yet.........lets just refresh the bathwater and see how baby likes it.' :?:
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by fossil »

Željko Jurin wrote:When kids give up the game, or go to another club, how else are we to get new players .... trials

We also have and need JSL teams
the PL clubs should have 1 team only in each age group this would allow the SL clubs to develop re-build, which would mean you have all the best players coming through the club system and if not the juniors need points and the PL club has too take it into account.

Trials would not be needed as you are making your own, how many juniors are pushed from lower age groups now and if the seniors need a re-build the options are there to get the seniors from the SL clubs as loosing 1-2 a year will not damage the SL as they too will have juniors coming through.

JSL sides should be stand alone or linked to SL structure not the PL clubs as they already have the best, but what you won't have is 20 or 30 kids coming out too trial as everyone already knows the next years follow on is given to existing club players and as stated players move out at 18 when there is only 1 or 2 spots available and you've had 10 years of quality from those players.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by fossil »

opps entered x2
Last edited by fossil on Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by matty2323 »

Cobweb Rides Again wrote:All these players jumping clubs, is and has happened for ever and a day under our current structure!

This new structure, as I see it will initially see a flurry of activity but will reduce the player drain to a trickle over the years.

To Matty2323, I have seen the passion you have for your players and teams you are involved in.

Your club is currently reinventing itself from the inside out, with new blood, ideas, genuine passion and a determination to lift itself.

Just as you instil belief in your junior players, and the belief of yourself as a player, you must also have the belief that your club will climb its way to the top.

That climb will not happen over night, but with the right planning, foresight and fortitude you will make it........but then what,

it will get easier?...., because all these talented juniors will flock to your club?......I don't think so,....because you would have got there with your own home grown crop of players who have been given the opportunity to play and express themselves with your club.

I've been around a number of clubs now and seen some of these really talented juniors right through the grades (U6 to U17's), and as you know not every one can or will
"go on with it".

'Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater, just yet.........lets just refresh the bathwater and see how baby likes it.' :?:
Firstly, thanks. Those who speak to me know i want a change at junior level, especially at Playford. I don't think the current structure is perfect, but i do believe that kids should be playing against opposition suitable to their skill level (divisions - and that means promotion and relegation).

Having said that, i like the idea of zones and if you want to really adopt "community feel", then i love the idea of club boundaries. I know many clubs have put in programs over the past 5 years, some 5 years ago, some this year and id like to see those plans come to fruition. I see Raiders and Metro as a benchmark, they put a plan in place for sustainability and the future. I see Playford in the infant steps of this process, with some people at the club putting in huge amounts of time and effort.

My major concern is the first 2 years if this program is implemented. Lets say each SL club loses 10-15 of its players. Realistically 5-7 of those may go on to represent the club at senior level in the next 3-4 years. Thats a HUGE hit for Playford. As a club who struggle to attract first team footballers, let alone match the wages of other clubs, what happens to the club?

Senior players leave to seek new competition as they see no future at the club. (you only have to look at the start of this season, we lost more then 10 players as a senior team). This means we have to push kids up to fill the ranks. Now kids who are struggling in their own age group and being forced to play out of their depth. They can no longer concentrate on developing technically because they're struggling to compete physically with boys older then them.

Clubs with financial stability will be able to withstand the initial "shake up" of this kind a set up, but those without it will struggle. You get volunteers fighting up hill battles, they leave because 60 hours a week as a volunteer is too much. Normally volunteers are parents of those kids who have "talent". They normally leave when their kid does. What happens to the club then?

When i refer to Raiders as it always has its "community", i talk about the Croatian club. Home games were packed, but 90% of the people there were sitting inside playing cards. The ladies working behind the bar, all croatian ladies who have grown up at the club. Not every club has this. Just because some clubs can pull themselves up from the dirt, dosen't mean every club can. Look at Gawler, i know some people out there who put in alot of effort, but they say its just impossible cause they cant get things off the ground.

and then lets say we give it a go and after 5 years and what ive predicted comes to fruition... what then? We've lost 4-5 clubs, many SL clubs are no longer competitive and cant fill junior teams... think the current PL clubs will care? doubt it.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by fossil »

what if the PL clubs paid a transfer fee to the SL club for players from each age group e.g. 12 yr old is $200 - $1200 for a 17yr old that has been at the same club that way something is coming back for development.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by matty2323 »

fossil wrote:what if the PL clubs paid a transfer fee to the SL club for players from each age group e.g. 12 yr old is $200 - $1200 for a 17yr old that has been at the same club that way something is coming back for development.
I know compensation exists, but thats for professional contracts. Im against any sort of transfer fee for kids because i believe they should be able to play were they want. You dont want kids getting stuck at clubs with bad coaches and not being able to move because clubs wont pay transfer fees. It would result in alot of kids quitting the game.

Club boundaries is a possibility.. if you live in a certain postcode you're eligible for a certain club (lets say u8's to u16's). then after that, you're free to play outside your boundaries. I believe its how the SANFL works? Again though, i think kids deserve to play where ever they want.

I dont think the structure is that poor, i just think the FFSA needs to put more money into developing coaches. (reduce the fee's of licenses) and make it compulsory for all coaches to possess basic licenses. (C License etc). At least then you know they have had some education with the current curriculum.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Željko Jurin »

ikon wrote:
Željko Jurin wrote:
themessenger wrote:
Curious on two points.
Why do you "need" JSL teams?
And you have no-fee academy for 11s and 12s players. What about 13s and older?
If kids and families want to remain at the club, and we have the coaches and facilities, why not ?

I don't know what you mean by 'no-fee academy' ?
I said the u11s, u12s, and u13s train 3x a week didn't I ?
Of late, u12s and u13s have reduced due to Stic and Sapsasa

u14, u15 and u16, probably due to kids school and coaches availability, only train the norm 2x a week

wouldn't this be a major reason to move clubs?- how many clubs offer this as part of their fees?...great stuff.
more and more clubs will be moving to 3 trainings a week i feel...when you have coaches take adavantage i say. Value for money in my eyes.
Exactly .... more kids would jump ship because of this and good coaching , and not A, B , F or G division
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by johnydep »

ikon wrote:
Željko Jurin wrote:
themessenger wrote:
Curious on two points.
Why do you "need" JSL teams?
And you have no-fee academy for 11s and 12s players. What about 13s and older?
If kids and families want to remain at the club, and we have the coaches and facilities, why not ?

I don't know what you mean by 'no-fee academy' ?
I said the u11s, u12s, and u13s train 3x a week didn't I ?
Of late, u12s and u13s have reduced due to Stic and Sapsasa

u14, u15 and u16, probably due to kids school and coaches availability, only train the norm 2x a week
wouldn't this be a major reason to move clubs?- how many clubs offer this as part of their fees?...great stuff.
more and more clubs will be moving to 3 trainings a week i feel...when you have coaches take adavantage i say. Value for money in my eyes.
Željko Jurin wrote:Exactly .... more kids would jump ship because of this and good coaching , and not A, B , F or G division
I reckon they'd consider changing clubs for higher quality training, rather than the amount. We've had three nights training for 3 years now, it's been hard convincing some people of the benefits. However, I beleive that we've got over that hill now and are starting to see the turn-around from the higher acceptance from majority.

This year we have compulsory training for U16 and U17 (last year 17's). And optional for U14 and U15 teams, with an academy style extra training session for U11 - U13's (slight change from last year). These extra sessions are conducted on Monday nights, with players trained by different coaches and our Development Coaches. It's also an opportunity to 'coach the coaches'. This extra training also helps coaches improve their skills and knowledge.

I agree Željko Jurin, 'build it and they will come'. This goes for club loyalty as well. Show the players and parents that you support them by having a team for them to play in, when others would rather move them on or drop an age group, and as those kids get older they will become your supporter base.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by de niro »

Club boundaries or recruiting zones will not work in Adelaide because of the poor geographical spread of the clubs. For instance, Raiders, AC, Metro, ABE and Campbelltown are all within a 10km radius of each other, as are Pirates, Croydon, Strikers, Toros, Olympic & White City.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Željko Jurin »

de niro wrote:Club boundaries or recruiting zones will not work in Adelaide because of the poor geographical spread of the clubs. For instance, Raiders, AC, Metro, ABE and Campbelltown are all within a 10km radius of each other, as are Pirates, Croydon, Strikers, Toros, Olympic & White City.
Agree .... and telling kids that have been loyal to their clubs for 'x' years, that they must leave now
Spot Željko Jurin Jnr ......

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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Keren »

What percentage of parents and players turn up at a club concerned about which league the Senior team is in? How many turn up with their child that just wants to play soccer? After they have been playing for a while they become aware of their competency at the skills and game and would become aware of their place in the team and club.

From there an identification of better players begins. Will this process change? The challenge would have always been for any club to keep players when the player/parent thinks he will get a better chance of reaching his potential at another club. Some players would be leaving or cease playing because the level of competition is too good for them.

This proposal sounds like a different way of doing the same thing.

I can imagine there will be an increase in the amount of support the senior teams get and that includes the increased support each session for the teams hovering around the bottom of the 1st league and those with the potential to be promoted from the 2nd league.

However, if any club does end up finishing because of the new structure, that would be very sad because as a Magpie supporter I know what that feels like.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by The moyesiah »

themessenger wrote:
Željko Jurin wrote:When kids give up the game, or go to another club, how else are we to get new players .... trials

We also have and need JSL teams
Curious on two points.
Why do you "need" JSL teams?
And you have no-fee academy for 11s and 12s players. What about 13s and older?

JSL teams pay for it :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by The moyesiah »

Željko Jurin wrote:
de niro wrote:Club boundaries or recruiting zones will not work in Adelaide because of the poor geographical spread of the clubs. For instance, Raiders, AC, Metro, ABE and Campbelltown are all within a 10km radius of each other, as are Pirates, Croydon, Strikers, Toros, Olympic & White City.
Agree .... and telling kids that have been loyal to their clubs for 'x' years, that they must leave now

Simple, every year no club can sign more than x existing JPL players within the FFSA, spread across all ages, at least then clubs will think about the player they are recruiting from other clubs, if it was capped at 5 players a year. It would stop clubs taking coaches when the new club just wants the players that may follow. It also makes people think a lot harder when they join a club.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by hooch »

Personally I dont mind the concept, I think it has merit.
Having 5 junior teams playing on the same day against the same opposition has many benefits not least the financial rewards to clubs with added attendances.

The execution however needs a little to be desired.

Heres a simple solution that will give clubs that focus on junior development the rewards they deserve.

2 leagues PL, SL (to make it easy for inital transition juniors are placed in the same league as seniors for the first year) (kids that dont make these teams play in clubs outside this setup eg, fulham in a development league).

PL & SL require clubs to field one team in each age group 13-16, (11's, 12's & ssg is regional as it is now and open for clubs to nominate as many teams as they like)

promotion and relegation between these two leagues only is based on a club championship, (accumulate points across entire season for all grades, bonus points for clubs that develop skillaroo and NTC players)

The clubs that are consistent and develop good junior programs will be rewarded those that dont wont.

while we are at it, implement minimum game time (as per NYL) to ensure all players are give suitable game time to develop.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by fossil »

hooch wrote:Personally I dont mind the concept, I think it has merit.
Having 5 junior teams playing on the same day against the same opposition has many benefits not least the financial rewards to clubs with added attendances.

The execution however needs a little to be desired.

Heres a simple solution that will give clubs that focus on junior development the rewards they deserve.

2 leagues PL, SL (to make it easy for inital transition juniors are placed in the same league as seniors for the first year) (kids that dont make these teams play in clubs outside this setup eg, fulham in a development league).

PL & SL require clubs to field one team in each age group 13-16, (11's, 12's & ssg is regional as it is now and open for clubs to nominate as many teams as they like)

promotion and relegation between these two leagues only is based on a club championship, (accumulate points across entire season for all grades, bonus points for clubs that develop skillaroo and NTC players)

The clubs that are consistent and develop good junior programs will be rewarded those that dont wont.

while we are at it, implement minimum game time (as per NYL) to ensure all players are give suitable game time to develop.
does this not lead to clubs having excess of players coming in at 13?
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by ZZZZ »

came across this in my junk email left some of it out - mentions the old wealthy clubs with access to large sums of money

Dear All

It is with some interest that I read the emails from clubs regarding the proposed structure review. Quite simply this proposal only serves to benefit the large, old, wealthy clubs who have a well established junior program and charge high fees. These teams have no difficulty in filling junior teams and have access to large sums of money due to very high fees and clubroom facilities.
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by johnydep »

ZZZZ wrote:came across this in my junk email left some of it out - mentions the old wealthy clubs with access to large sums of money

Dear All

It is with some interest that I read the emails from clubs regarding the proposed structure review. Quite simply this proposal only serves to benefit the large, old, wealthy clubs who have a well established junior program and charge high fees. These teams have no difficulty in filling junior teams and have access to large sums of money due to very high fees and clubroom facilities.
Why post Junk Mail in the Junior Forums? And why leave "some of it out"?
give us a break
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by give us a break »

This discussion of the introduction of a new Junior Structure- or restructuring Football in this state as a whole, seems to surface each year at a point when clubs are getting ready to prepare for the next season. These uncertainties of how the sport will look the next year really has to stop. If football needs an overhaul, for goodness sake, do it thoroughly, and not yearly on an ad hoc basis as it seems to be done at present. Give it a 2 to 3 years timeframe which would give ample time to consult with all the stakeholders in the game and collate ideas of how to really advance this great sport.

Clear objectives have to be formulated: define the goals that are desirable to achieve
The fears of the stakeholders who think they might be short-changed by the proposed new structure have to be addressed (e.g. additional PPS points could be allocated for state League teams depending of where they ended the season – e.g. 16th +16 points, 9th +9points, 3rd +3 points etc. – this could even up the competition and over the years put a club in a position to challenge for a Premier League spot [it could have the same effect as the player draft system in the AFL])
I think the main thing is that any restructure is implemented with the broadest consent possible, giving all the stakeholder ample time to think it through and input, inform the clubs in a timely fashion so they can themselves put strategies in place that will protect their interest.
Sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to be a complete fool. - Voltaire
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Željko Jurin
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Željko Jurin »

I think people are looking TOO deep .... I feel FFSA just want to elimanate promotion/relegation at junior level, thats it, and the 'win at all cost' mentality that goes with it

Remember, we're only talking about 4 age groups, and some SL clubs (who have very few 'A' division teams anyway) think Armageddon is about to occur
Last edited by Željko Jurin on Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Spot Željko Jurin Jnr ......

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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Željko Jurin »

johnydep wrote:
ZZZZ wrote:came across this in my junk email left some of it out - mentions the old wealthy clubs with access to large sums of money

Dear All

It is with some interest that I read the emails from clubs regarding the proposed structure review. Quite simply this proposal only serves to benefit the large, old, wealthy clubs who have a well established junior program and charge high fees. These teams have no difficulty in filling junior teams and have access to large sums of money due to very high fees and clubroom facilities.
Why post Junk Mail in the Junior Forums? And why leave "some of it out"?
I think a club has sent this out to all clubs, hence why ZZZZ says its 'junk' because he doesnt agree with it

I've seen another clubs email to all also
Spot Željko Jurin Jnr ......

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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by de niro »

Željko Jurin wrote:I think people are looking TOO deep .... I feel FFSA just want to elimanate promotion/relegation at junior level, thats it, and the 'win at all cost' mentality that goes with it
Agreed 100% (and I belong to a SL club)
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by SILENT P »

If this happens, what happens to clubs that don't have seniors such as Fulham, Munno Para, etc.?
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Re: New Junior Structure 2014

Post by Željko Jurin »

SILENT P wrote:If this happens, what happens to clubs that don't have seniors such as Fulham, Munno Para, etc.?
c. FFSA Junior League

.... along with the 2nd teams that some clubs have (that are currently called JSL teams)
Spot Željko Jurin Jnr ......

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