Those who don’t me ( probably most

) I am Tim Crawford (#8 at Eliz Vale)
Ok lets get some things straight:
Eliz Vale lost 9-2 on the weekend and no-one or nothing is too blame apart from ourselves. It was an embarrassing & humiliating day for our club. We played very poorly and Gardens played well and a football lesson was given…No excuses.
In regards to our Pride and Passion I don’t think anyone outside the Club should really comment, but everyone is entitled to an opinion even if its incorrect.
Regarding making excuses because teams pay big bucks for players, well at the end of the day its 11 v 11 on the park. My only questioning is, would these clubs still attract the same players if the $$ weren’t there. In most cases I would say maybe but there would also be some players who club hop chasing the dollars.
In the end I couldn’t care less who plays in the opposing team I go out there too win and believe on any given day we can beat any team.
As for how our club handles player indiscretions well that is decided by the relevant people ; Coach, Committee etc. Sure the Players will have an opinion and some Senior players may have their say in determining the outcome. As for people outside of the club I can't understand why it bothers them.
In the case of #10, everyone from inside & outside will have their opinion. At the end of it all; it has been handled and dealt with. Is everyone happy…. Probably not and I am sure #10 knows it wasn’t taken lightly by the playing group but we have moved on…… probably be good if everyone else did also.
We are looking towards redeeming ourselves this weekend with a win against Florina in the cup and then again the following week hopefully in the league.