1. Nobody said you were against Fusion but your last sentence suggests you are bitter towards us.passion4soccer wrote:I think some of you guys think I am against Fusion...I'm not! I am against sooooo many players in the one team! All this talk about overseas games going 35 - 45 minute halves....Campbelltown....15 minutes halves, it still only means a few minutes on court. How do you build stamina? Less players in 1 team....maybe then more teams AND a better competition. Also, why should SA Futsal give money to Fusion, they represent the state so money should go to State teams. Good luck to Fusion and hopefully a better start for SA but share the love guys, it just NOT about you!
2. Why does a State Team have so many players then? Should a State team only carry 7 players to Nationals so players can build stamina?

3. Who said Fusion asked Futsal SA for $$$? The only thing we have asked from Futsal SA is to be affiliated under them and for their support.
4. Share what? Our players? We are definately tring to promote Fusion as much as possible and bad luck if you dont like it, thats what has to be done. We are trying to develop the sport.
Do some more research on Futsal, dont worry about what other teams do here in SA, we set the bar high and aim to achieve what interstate and overseas teams achieve.