Changing Game Day

This forum is for the discussion of women's football, the fastest growing participation sport in Australia. This includes local women's football and the A-League Women.

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Changing Game Day

Post by sulmona »

Not sure if this topic has been done before but if it has it probably needs revisiting anyway.
With women soccer growing at the rate of knots, I wonder if it would be beneficial in terms of attracting more spectators by playing say on Friday nights.
It seems that with the busy lifestyle most people have these days, the trend is to leave Sunday strictly to family activities therefore the people left watching sport on this day are basically those who have an involvement either players, officials and family.
Playing on Friday nights I think will also help with the atmosphere
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Post by shorty »

yeah this pont has been raised quite a few times..
theres always gunna be ppl who arent for it tho, and the main negative point that consistantly keeps getting raised is : "we dont want to play on a friday night coz we want to go out!!!

i think a game under lights wld not only attract more ppl to watch but it would just be awesome to play.. it seems much more than just a normal game when its under lights i find..
playing with sasi, every wednesday night was awesome.. and i find you play better under lights!!!!
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Post by pvfc »

some clubs have to train on fridays due to availability of grounds.
also have all clubs got good enough lighting for this?
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Post by shorty »

well im thinknin alll night games wld be played at sawsa's ground.. which has good lighting and i tihnk the pitch is ok havent played on it for years.. only downfall with that pitch is the rape factor HAHA
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Post by courtz »

night games r a long way off yet i think! ps yes shorty the pitch sux and the posibility of rape haha!
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Post by shorty »

cj it aint rape if u enjoy it lol
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Post by sulmona »

It doesn't necessarily have to be Friday nights, It could be that some games are played as curtain raisers to some men's games on Saturday, should Saturday night be considered or even Sunday night?
I understant players wanting to go out but is that the sort of mentality that would stop the game move from a social/picnic type of contest to one that is competitive and vibrant?
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Post by courtz »

sunday night wld b totally idiotic for so many reasons i need not name them!curtain raiser to the mens games wld be a good idea but it wld b hard because alot of the womens prems side espcially, dont have mens teams that play at a high level.. i mean the fulham girls get more fans out to their games than the men! and metro united, and cumberland dnt have coressponding mens teams. not arguing with ever point u bring up sulmona but yeah.
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Post by amre21 »

I think saturday games would clash with kids games, I think most juniors play on saturdays, that would suck for parents who play and that have kids who play.. I think the friday night thing could work if each week-end half the games are played fri nite under lights and the other half on Sundays and if its just Premier League doing this and if its set up as a rotation so that each team would play fri one week then sun the following week etc.. I think that would increase support at games as this way players who have friends who play either in the same league or even in men's amatuer would be able to support their friends' teams and vice versa at least every second week.
Maybe a sponsor could be sought to get a quality ground for one game per week or something (like marden) and this could be like the "highlight" game of the women's football week-end..
Maybe clubs like Cumberland and Metro could network and forge ties with decent Men's club's who do not have women's team's for the purpose of curtain raisers? Not to change the clubs in any way but for example, say each team in the super league.. (I think its super league :P) had one of the women's teams as their "partner" club so to speak, then each week there would be a womens game curtain raiser of a high level before a men's.. would mean decent pitches, a game to watch and socialise at after playing... larger crowds at both games, and financial matters could be discussed. (i.e splitting profits raised etc.)
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Post by John Cena »

we have had some games monday nights and lights have been ok,. plus our new lights should be up soon to, so hopefully we can play more games on monday nights
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Post by Unretired »

The reason we can not have games before the mens is because they usually have the 19s and 23 games before hand so if we were to play before the mens it would mean we would have to play before the 19s.
Sometimes this means we would be playing about 9 in the morning on the Saturday. I cant see that happening.

Last year we tried to get a few games changed to the friday night but it was so hard to do as alot of the girls sometimes wokr on a Friday.
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Post by gazza »

I think there is a lot of merit in exploring different possibilities but it would take a fair amount of goodwill on the part of few clubs and individuals.
Unfortunately there seems to be some petty jelousies hanging around and until we get rid of that nothing will happen.
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