Adelaide Cobras: Junior players wanted

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Adelaide Cobras: Junior players wanted

Post by hestikame »

Hi all,

The Adelaide Cobras Football Club are looking for junior players from development (4-6 years) through to under 17's
for both boys and girls.
The club will be holding their final trial days for under 12's to under 17's on Friday 5:30pm-7:00pm
and Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm at Nazareth College, Cnr Holbrooks rd and Hartley rd Flinders Park
for both boys and girls.

If there is anyone interested in bringing any younger kids (development 4-6 years upto under 11's) please come
down on any of those days to sign up as trials are not neccessary for those age groups.

So any player interested (especially goalkeepers) and want more information please contact
George Karittevli on 0409 097 229 or email

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