blue eagles u14 s 2011

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blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by corona »

new coach mr signore from campbelltown city , with 3 new signings form campbelltown maybe 5 , huge moves to be champion 2011 , with these signings , be a better squad for those poor buggars that played for blue eagles last year . , as they say thats life . where do they go now . ???
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by LeicesterCity »

win at all costs eh... Being the champions at Under 14 for god's sake. Campbelltown did it with the Under 12's a couple of years back. Go to a club where there isn't the pressure of being the best at children's football. let your kid enjoy himself.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Big Mac »

corona wrote:new coach mr signore from campbelltown city , with 3 new signings form campbelltown maybe 5 , huge moves to be champion 2011 , with these signings , be a better squad for those poor buggars that played for blue eagles last year . , as they say thats life . where do they go now . ???
You make it sound like ABE are trying to assemble a super team.
Maybe Campbelltown should be asking why are they losing quality coaches. :?:
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Whiteslane »

Quality, in this case thats debatable
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by best »

New coach MR Signore from Campbelltown City , with 3 new signings form Campbelltown maybe 5 and the best from Blue Eagle.
All this to try to beat Croydon and Adelaide City. :D :D :D :D
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Mad_Max »

best wrote:All this to try to beat Croydon and Adelaide City. :D :D :D :D
I believe ABE managed to do both during the season. The U13 Cup Final comes immediately to mind :)
Now, if you're lucky, you could hack through your ankle in five minutes.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by harrycripps »

best wrote:New coach MR Signore from Campbelltown City , with 3 new signings form Campbelltown maybe 5 and the best from Blue Eagle.
All this to try to beat Croydon and Adelaide City. :D :D :D :D
Best, not everyone is as obsessed with Adelaide City as you are. These kids and parents have been at Campbelltown for many years, they are not club-hopping because they feel the need to beat your kids team, they are leaving because they have had enough of the internal bs at CC.

ABE have not gone into the transfer market to acquire these players. Get down of your high horse and just enjoy the experience. PS When you next speak to Clubman tell him that his childish remarks about the players at State U/13's and any player that doesn't play for AC makes him and the club look stupid.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Big Mac »

Whiteslane wrote:Quality, in this case thats debatable
Have seen his team play on only one occasion, played nice football and looked well coached.
Signore was controlled and quiet on the sidelines.
He is also a STIC Zone coach I beleive, so from this I would assume he is a decent coach.
Obviously you think different, I'm guessing your closer to the situation than I am.
Some people tell me that we professional players are soccer slaves. Well, if this is slavery, give me a life sentence.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by pulse »

Big Mac wrote:
Whiteslane wrote:Quality, in this case thats debatable
Have seen his team play on only one occasion, played nice football and looked well coached.
Signore was controlled and quiet on the sidelines.
He is also a STIC Zone coach I beleive, so from this I would assume he is a decent coach.
Obviously you think different, I'm guessing your closer to the situation than I am.
I personally don't rate him at all

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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by fernet »

Interesting post. I was at ABE last night and my understanding is this. Mr Signore applied for the job, after being told he did not have the job at CCSC, and was told he could bring a few players with him if he wished, because a few were leaving. Knowing a few of the Campbelltown boys parents, I was told by them that at least half the team would have followed Mr Signore if possible. I dont think Corona's first post is accurate. We are happy to have him at ABE. He is a quality coach, Is involved with the Zone team and has helped Valkanis at the United Elite as well. I think Campbelltown should really be asking why they did not reappoint him? Anyway, from my understanding, CCSC are happy to see the back of him and we are happy to have him. As for him building a Champion team to beat Croydon and AC, he beat AC last month.

PS: CCSC, if you are ever stupid enough to lose Drago, we'd be happy to have him as well! :D :D :D
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by hudsona »

bloody often are ex players asked to contribute?

Here's an ex Australian Youth and 100 odd game National League player (+ plenty at Super League level) being shown the door....

how many clubs have the "father can't coach son" rule...

yet coaches have nephew's or other rellies in the team!

Surely each case on it's coach for the job...if the son is good enuff to be in the team and the father suitably be it..

blue eagles gain...CCSC loss..thank goodness the guy's happy to contribute to youth football in South Australia. many games u played at Aust Youth and National level? What're your coaching qualifications?
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by pulse »

hudsona wrote:bloody often are ex players asked to contribute?

Here's an ex Australian Youth and 100 odd game National League player (+ plenty at Super League level) being shown the door....

how many clubs have the "father can't coach son" rule...

yet coaches have nephew's or other rellies in the team!

Surely each case on it's coach for the job...if the son is good enuff to be in the team and the father suitably be it..

blue eagles gain...CCSC loss..thank goodness the guy's happy to contribute to youth football in South Australia. many games u played at Aust Youth and National level? What're your coaching qualifications?
Being a good player doesn't mean you are a good coach, as I said I don't rate him. I have seen his trainings and they lack intensity and some of the kids lost interest hence why only his son and a his sons close mates followed him. I stand by opinion and then again why do you care? It's a forum and I'm giving my 2 cents worth.

Also signore played for the youth team when even Kevin Rudd could've got a game

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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Whiteslane »

fernet, please enjoy the coach as one of your own and concern yourself with that.
CCSC has a policy, might not be the right one but they have one that parents cant coach
their son's teams from U13-U17. I prefer this, but thats my opinion only but have seen parent/coaches
be critizised simply for having their son deemed to have preferential treatment. In truth its probably the
other way around and the father is super hard on his own son. Either way its not a good situation to be in.
Signore was offered other positions in the junior set up and declined. Anyway good luck with the team and
would be interesting to get your thoughts on the matter at end of season 2011.
Anyone is allowed to seek whats best for them and that includes drago so please enjoy his services if you get
him as no one individual is bigger that the club.
PS I believe pulse is correct, his training is basic and boring and this after he critizised last years coach as not being up to U/12
standards even though that coach won a championship and runner up medal in the cup with last years U/12's.
Good luck to all coaches and players for season 2011.Cant wait.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Nova »

I dont agree with the bagging of a junior coach or posting his so called opinions when he hasnt even posted on here :shock:
The guy applied for a position, didn't get it and moved on, simple :!:
As for kids moving with him, well that shows that they really don't care about playing for the club. That's fine and would probably move on in the future when things dont go their way anyway :wink: I would rather invest time in the ones that want to play for the club, so no harm done :!:

Ps. Just a question - Do you judge a coach as being "good" if they win a championship :?
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by SILENT P »

Nova wrote:I dont agree with the bagging of a junior coach or posting his so called opinions when he hasnt even posted on here :shock:
The guy applied for a position, didn't get it and moved on, simple :!:
As for kids moving with him, well that shows that they really don't care about playing for the club. That's fine and would probably move on in the future when things dont go their way anyway :wink: I would rather invest time in the ones that want to play for the club, so no harm done :!:
Ps. Just a question - Do you judge a coach as being "good" if they win a championship :?
Well said Nova :D
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by fernet »

Whiteslane, the father coaching rule came in when? Now, I believe. You 13b's coach had his son in the team, your 19's assistant had his son in the team. Has this rule come in now or did the board just change? Is your sports directors brother the coach of the under 14's? YES. Doesnt he have a nephew in that team? YES. CCSC, you are all contradicting yourselves. Seems to me you make up rules as you go!!! Anyway, good luck in 2010, I have heard so much is GOING to happen up there. Good luck.

PS: If you all didnt rate him at CCSC, Why did you offer him any other team he wanted, even up to the 19's?

PSS: Pulse, you mirror your clubs ignorance.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Whiteslane »

fernet, this rule has been at the club previously and has been reinstated i believe.
I still believe its a good rule if independent coaches are available and next year they are. I also believe the rule
applies only to the juniors so you comments regarding the Under 19's is not relevant.
My opinion is exactly that mine alone, if the club offered him another position thats their peregotive, isnt it?
The coach of the 14's isnt a father simple as that, so again your ascertion is incorrect,they have stuck to the letter
of the rule and he is being assisted by a good coach and mentor with vast experience at all levels of coaching
so its no contradiction at all. I have heard things are to change but at the end of the day that needs to be seen yet
so i will reserve my judgement after considering things happening next year.
As i said good luck to all players and coaches especially from ABE as its always a pleasure for our boys to play against
you guys and its a thrill for them all, as it should be with our shared history.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by sulmona »

Guys, especially Campbelltowns, This is like the proverbial, "the more you stir it the more it stinks". Signore made a choice after discussions with the Club, the rules did not suit him, he left. His ability was never questioned by the Club, hence the offer of another position.
Let's move on.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by fernet »

Good recent points by a few. Some mention players being in or out jugding on merit,yet I still find it strange knowing that 2 boys from your A's this year have been dropped, another was but reinstated after a commitee meeting ( Father happens to be on the board ), Coaches nephew, sports directors son, promoted to the A's and your GK, who is a state keeper, was almost dropped and the B's moved up because of his father's friendship with certain CCSC people!! If you are going to bag Mr Signore first, make sure you get all you facts right. And please do not accuse him of favoring players or poaching them because the fact is a lot of parents told me they tried to rally to keep him. Only the ones that werent good enough to get a lot of game time didnt because with a new coach/ connection, their kids would be an 'A' player. By the way CCSC, you guys have a lot of people involved who love to talk!! We live in a small town.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Cruyff »

I find it unusual that CCSC U/14 trials finished on Wednesday night and the players would get notified on Tuesday by a letter if they were in or out of the squad, but some how you already seem to know what is going on........seems strange to me.
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by simon says »

Listen to you all.....see Little Johnny thread :oops:
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Lenny Mclean »

fernet wrote:Good recent points by a few. Some mention players being in or out jugding on merit,yet I still find it strange knowing that 2 boys from your A's this year have been dropped, another was but reinstated after a commitee meeting ( Father happens to be on the board ), Coaches nephew, sports directors son, promoted to the A's and your GK, who is a state keeper, was almost dropped and the B's moved up because of his father's friendship with certain CCSC people!! If you are going to bag Mr Signore first, make sure you get all you facts right. And please do not accuse him of favoring players or poaching them because the fact is a lot of parents told me they tried to rally to keep him. Only the ones that werent good enough to get a lot of game time didnt because with a new coach/ connection, their kids would be an 'A' player. By the way CCSC, you guys have a lot of people involved who love to talk!! We live in a small town.

Very interesting Fernet :shock:
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by 6 »

Lenny Mclean wrote:
fernet wrote:Good recent points by a few. Some mention players being in or out jugding on merit,yet I still find it strange knowing that 2 boys from your A's this year have been dropped, another was but reinstated after a commitee meeting ( Father happens to be on the board ), Coaches nephew, sports directors son, promoted to the A's and your GK, who is a state keeper, was almost dropped and the B's moved up because of his father's friendship with certain CCSC people!! If you are going to bag Mr Signore first, make sure you get all you facts right. And please do not accuse him of favoring players or poaching them because the fact is a lot of parents told me they tried to rally to keep him. Only the ones that werent good enough to get a lot of game time didnt because with a new coach/ connection, their kids would be an 'A' player. By the way CCSC, you guys have a lot of people involved who love to talk!! We live in a small town.

Very interesting Fernet :shock:

Yes very interesting.... :?
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by corona »

boy , the topic was he has gone to blue eagles , yet as always the topic gets out of control . you fellas should all relax have a beer . coaches and players come and go , for what ever reason . how they coach is up to them . in life we dont get on with every one . but to point fingers and say who got in the team because of who he knows . thats not fair on the young kid that trialled , we all have oponions and thats what makes life tick . gee rumours 99% of the time are rubbish . also remember the rumour starts small and always ends up huge . and if your son got in the b team well done at least he is still playing . , because the big picture is to play seniors , and either a or b player , hard work and you can make it . good luck to all the kids that play , enjoy as a parent while you can cheer and encourage . as i cant no more . and that hurts . its a game . the best game .
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by the coach »

Well done Signore for always flying under the radar....You will be sorely missed at CCSC.....

Congrats to Glavas for a mighty return at CCSC......Can you imagine if he does the double with the U14s like he did all those years ago with the Champion Team of 88/89/90.........Definitely something to watch out for......

Amazing how stories get out when only letters get delivered yesterday.........WOW.......Wonder who the Mole is.......Whoever it is they definitely got it wrong
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by clubman »

Blue Eagles u14 s 2011 sunday trials great turnout
6 ccsc a players all up 34 players for 15 positions
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Lenny Mclean »

Looks like you are going to have a real strong side next year, i reckon you are favourites to take the league out ! going to be fireworks when you play CCSC.... Wots happening with the 3 stars who play up? Dont reckon you need them to drop down to the 14's :?: Adelaide city are not going to be happy either they will be expecting to win it again :|
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Allrise »

Lenny Mclean wrote:Looks like you are going to have a real strong side next year, i reckon you are favourites to take the league out ! going to be fireworks when you play CCSC.... Wots happening with the 3 stars who play up? Dont reckon you need them to drop down to the 14's :?: Adelaide city are not going to be happy either they will be expecting to win it again :|
and this is why Junior football in this state is turning into a farce, with comments like this about winning the league, blah blah, blah. nurture the kids and play to develop them. who's going to remember (or care) who won the league in 20 years time at u14 level?? :roll:
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Killa Pass »

Allrise wrote:
Lenny Mclean wrote:Looks like you are going to have a real strong side next year, i reckon you are favourites to take the league out ! going to be fireworks when you play CCSC.... Wots happening with the 3 stars who play up? Dont reckon you need them to drop down to the 14's :?: Adelaide city are not going to be happy either they will be expecting to win it again :|
and this is why Junior football in this state is turning into a farce, with comments like this about winning the league, blah blah, blah. nurture the kids and play to develop them. who's going to remember (or care) who won the league in 20 years time at u14 level?? :roll:
Spot on Allrise !!! :wink:

It's all about winning with Signore 8)
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Re: blue eagles u14 s 2011

Post by Lenny Mclean »

Allrise wrote:
Lenny Mclean wrote:Looks like you are going to have a real strong side next year, i reckon you are favourites to take the league out ! going to be fireworks when you play CCSC.... Wots happening with the 3 stars who play up? Dont reckon you need them to drop down to the 14's :?: Adelaide city are not going to be happy either they will be expecting to win it again :|
and this is why Junior football in this state is turning into a farce, with comments like this about winning the league, blah blah, blah. nurture the kids and play to develop them. who's going to remember (or care) who won the league in 20 years time at u14 level?? :roll:

Dont take things to seriously mate its just a comment stating the obvious :wink:, its just chit chat :) :) , i agree nuture the kids and i certainly dont care if they win the league, all i am interested in is my lad and his team playing nice football :D
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