Heres a story for you mato and your "Australian" mates. Just last year, i was fishing in one of SA's beautiful coastal towns about 30 odd kilometres out at sea when over the 2 way, a report came in that a thunder squall to 40 knots was heading our way. Mind you at this time, it was a flat calm day and in the early morning before we ventured 30 ks out, we had caught our boat limit of Southern Calamari know to you "Australians" as SQUID
Anyways, upon our return after heeding the weather warning, about 5 ks back into the trip back to shore (so still 25ks out to sea), i spotted another vessel with 2 people on board waving frantically and as such recognised as one of the International signals for a vessel in distress. Being the kind person i am and doing what i was taught to by my parents (treat people with the same level of respect as you would like to be treated with), i did the right thing and went over to see if they indeed needed my help. After talking to the 2 (Australian dinkum die anglos), we (me and my 2 mates) were quickly informed that their motor wasnt starting and after several attempts to help restart it, we decided that the best thing to do was to tow them back.
At this time, whilst it was still calm seas (known as the calm before the storm), the roller clouds (or tumble driers as we call them) started to roll in to the skies above in the distance and were heading our way. We finally make it back with about half an hour to spare before the storm hit, and possibly helped the save the lives of 2 total strangers. What one of these W.AN.KERS didnt know, was that my family were inhabitants of that town since the late 1960s and this dumb had moved there from some other town only 5 uears earlier. I did the right think and not only possibly saved his life and that of his mates, but also invited them back to my house for a beer because i felt sorry for them. The next morning, i get a visit from a local there who ive known for years since our family has been part of this town for 50 years telling me to take it easy on the Calamari. I says to him "what are you on about???", and he says "how much SQUID did you catch yesterday???" and i says "my boat limit" which was exactly what i had on board. This fucker that i had saved by towing back from sea whom i didnt even ask for a dime for the extra petrol i used towing him, and then invited back to my house for a beer, had gone to the pub that night after he left my place and told all the other locals "THE WOGS ARE RAPING OUR SQUID" assuming that i was catching all the calamari and taking more than i was allowed. Take into account that this fucker hadnt even counted my calamari, he just assumed. All this after i had potentially saved his life and that of his mate, and brought them back to my house for a beer.
Needless to say when he found out who my family was and who i was, he was so embarassed (not to mention scared) that he left the town and since then i have seen him once when driving past him on the road in that town. I have never had the chance to thank him personally, and probably better that i dont, although a few others told him exactly what they thought. The moral of the story is, me and my family have been in this country for many years and i was born here, but i am GREEK, just like my parents and grandparents, only difference is i was born in this country. I respect the values of this country and i am a law abiding citizen who would help any other person regardless of race or religion if they needed my help, strangers or not, BUT, dont sit in your high chair and judge me for being me, because i am a proud GREEK who was born in Australia and also proud of the country i live in. Its some of you who need to accept who i am