I must say, drunk and bewildered in my own misery i really am an arsenal fan, man utd are crap, it is true they are winning n i am glad that it showed all u stooges who didnt belive me that i kno more than you. but the fact remains that arsenalare better than man utd n i truly believe they will win, if i say anything differently dont belive me cause i was probably high and very drunk wen writing it.
P.S you guys are nerds;)
they are crap cause they have supporters like you, plus u are only on top now, its practically the start of the season with you 5points in front, you guys will lose while arsenal will keepmoving upon the later, thinka bout it kreas.
Levendia wrote:they are crap cause they have supporters like you, plus u are only on top now, its practically the start of the season with you 5points in front, you guys will lose while arsenal will keepmoving upon the later, thinka bout it kreas.
Love always
yeh u come out with the statement from ur bumbbrain huh ?
i mean from where u come out with a stupid opinion like that ?
bearing in mind that 4 of arsenal last 5 victories have come against the 3 promoted teams, the cellar dwellers in charlton. and man utd are hardly a decent.
so hopefully the keep the streak going.
arsenal play joga bonita... as too do united...
i luv watchin arsenal when they have the ball around there oppositions box, the lil touches r great. sorta like united, once we have possesion of the ball its hard to get it off us
but gunners r goin gd atm, i jst dun rate wenger complainin all the time about oposition tactics