MegaBonus wrote:@kosta
i think it says a lot more about you than me that after such a long absence (not that the forum missed you) you return to bag a 'whole club' that you have never represented or know anything about.
by all means take cheap shots at me (i can defend myself) but why the club?????? by doing so, you totally disregard the work and effort volunteers put into such a community. but because our president and committee (which im not a part of) have decent and upstanding values they choose not to respond.
you are a sad person and i pity you!!!!!!
once again...why the mass exodus while you and yours were running limnos?????
ur an idiot mega.. always were and always will be
the mass exodus that you refer to was a decision by the people running the club as they were extermely short of volunteers.. put it to vote, no volenteers and unforutnately resulted in no club.. nothing to do with anything else, was a great atmosphere at stingrays park.. but were not talking bout that in this topic.. were talking about yet another fiasco with your club AND player registration cards not being shown
taking cheaps shots at your club? i dont think i am, im merely stating the facts which occured during our last home match.. remember that mega? im sure u do.. when we asked to see ur rego player cards, we were told they were 'stolen' and ur whole team walked off.. well if you have nothing to hide then why abandon a match that resulted in giving us the premership title?

also was quite funny how your rego cards were 'found' the next day
i think you/your club should concentrate your efforts on resolving this reoccuring issue of player rego cards and less time making excuses for it
ps: im not sad at all very happy with life and what it has to offer and dont worry bout giving me pity, save that for yourself