to all the guys that made it out last night, thanks for the kick around - it was good fun on a perfect night
i messed up my back pretty bad though and am bedridden for the day (had to happen while i was on leave!).
worse still my physio is on leave till tuesday so i gotta find another.
hope to be better for the 20/20 game on monday, or at least tuesday
anyway, off to hit the nurofen plus' (damn, no Vicodin)
maxin in the shade wrote:to all the guys that made it out last night, thanks for the kick around - it was good fun on a perfect night
i messed up my back pretty bad though and am bedridden for the day (had to happen while i was on leave!).
worse still my physio is on leave till tuesday so i gotta find another.
hope to be better for the 20/20 game on monday, or at least tuesday
anyway, off to hit the nurofen plus' (damn, no Vicodin)
thats not good to hear maxin!
although i know a herbal remedy that may not fix your back, but will at least make u forget ur back is sore...
the challenge is on.... 10 chicken wings a minute.....
Glutton gobbles 203 chicken wings in 20 Minutes
February 02, 2009 12:00am
A CHAMPION eater has won a car, a $10,000 diamond ring and a crown of miniature chickens after gobbling down 203 chicken wings in 20 minutes.
New Jersey big mouth John Squibb – who goes by the name Super Squibb in eating comps – limbered up at the pre-Superbowl contest in Philadelphia known as the “Wing Bowl” before taking on thousands of other gluttons.
In a bizarre twist, “professional” eaters were barred from competition, leaving the 23-year-old to ram the wings down his gullet.
During his gastronomic feat, scantily clad Wingettes paraded the eatery as part of the show-down.
“Hence, we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks." Winston Churchill
sacred_june (GrooveChild) wrote:Numbers looked good on sunday when i was there
cant believe u werent there Maxin, disappointing!
ive strained a muscle in my back pretty bad so thats postponed my start to pre-season
but i shouldnt be surprised that after 6 and a half weeks of inactivity, (and i MEAN inactivity! though does walking between the couch, fridge and toilet count as activity??) i get injured the first time i exert myself beyong a snails pace
ive tried to do some excercise. but laying about doing nothing is just too damn appealing!
(SIDE NOTE: remember in The Simpsons when Homer gets arrested for DUI and is forced to watch that traffic video?: "Heres an appealing fellow. theyre a-ppealing him off the sidewalk!")
the other big story in south australian soccer over the weekend (which was largely ignored by the mainstream media!) was the appearance of 200+ game AFL veteran N Bassett and his brother Scott at Raptors training on Sunday
good to have them out and show that theyre skills arent limited to the oval pitch.
make sure the boys know the chicken wing requirement/quota before they start. Was it 10 wings a minute? If thats a bit much then tell them to think that its only 5 chickens a minute, but only 2% of each chicken, ( sounds a bit easier). Enjoy fellas
maxin in the shade wrote:the other big story in south australian soccer over the weekend (which was largely ignored by the mainstream media!) was the appearance of 200+ game AFL veteran N Bassett and his brother Scott at Raptors training on Sunday
good to have them out and show that theyre skills arent limited to the oval pitch.
Suggested nick-names for the brother Shirley , Fred (is this already Nathan's nickname?)
Will you guys be called ISC Hounds now ?
Last edited by Rumour With A View on Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.