results 07/09/2008

This forum is for the discussion of women's football, the fastest growing participation sport in Australia. This includes local women's football and the A-League Women.

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billy the kid
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Re: results 07/09/2008

Post by billy the kid »

rules aren't the issue here.

Its what's called common professional decency.

metro are obvioulsy worried thatseaosn 2008 may (I say may) end up amounting to "not very much". Winning a reserves cup is probably a saving grace. Then again we can a look forward to thec up final...

nanstar wrote:For those of you complaining, why don't you do something constructive and give feedback about the SAWSA rules and regulations of which Metro have followed. Follow this link on the SAWSA website. You have the opportunity to fill out a feedback form as part of the annual SAWSA review on season 2008. ... =35&cid=36
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Re: results 07/09/2008

Post by Dr.D »

billy the kid wrote:Been a few years mate.

Have things changed??
Dr.D wrote:Billy, how many delegates meetings have you been to this year? Serious question, I'm interested to know

I've been going for about 3 or 4 years now.. In the last couple of years they've had an End of Season Review within the final Delegates Meetings, clubs delegates are split up into small groups and asked to bullet point issues for discussion. The meeting then discusses the main points addressed by clubs, its a real open forum... A lot of the suggestions raised in these end of year meetings have in my experience been implemented in the following season where practicable.

I guess its important to realise that SAWSA has to consider the practicalities of all suggestions against the best interested of the overall competition. Sometimes their decisions don't suit my own personal opinions or thoughts prior to the meeting, however whether i agree initially or not, Wendy and the Board have in 95% of cases been able to offer a reasonable and well thought out response as to why those changes are not practical in the big picture... I may not like it, but at least i got a reasonable answer and if I'm honest in most cases over time and seeing how it all works, I can almost agree with the rationale.

The reason for me saying this is because I honestly believe that SAWSA are open to constructive critisism, and that wherever possible they try to implement positive change. I do however believe that a lot of club delegates do not adeqautely represent the interest of their constituents at these meetings and therefore the change that does occur representes the opinions of a small minority (the delegates) rather than the entire participating group (players, coaches, team managers etc).

Fill the form in Billy, if nothing else, your concerns will be tabled at the End of Season Review meeting and be open for debate amoungst the delegates. What have you got to lose?
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Re: results 07/09/2008

Post by nanstar »

billy the kid wrote:rules aren't the issue here.

Its what's called common professional decency.

metro are obvioulsy worried thatseaosn 2008 may (I say may) end up amounting to "not very much". Winning a reserves cup is probably a saving grace. Then again we can a look forward to thec up final...

nanstar wrote:For those of you complaining, why don't you do something constructive and give feedback about the SAWSA rules and regulations of which Metro have followed. Follow this link on the SAWSA website. You have the opportunity to fill out a feedback form as part of the annual SAWSA review on season 2008. ... =35&cid=36
So you think complaining on the football forums is more constructive than giving SAWSA some feedback? My point in giving you the link to the sawsa feedback was so you could direct your anger towards the SAWSA rules instead of the club who follows them.

If you really cared about this game you would give your feedback to the people who matter rather than trying to bash the Metro club. You are obviously bitter and angry that Metro won and so decided to come on here to try and make Metro feel bad. News.. its not going to work. So stick your criticism where it might actually matter.