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Post by fayigatsidoi »

Best coach is the one who picks up a team of players that everyone else rejects and accepts losing all games during the season while they work on developing missing skills for the players, because of the systematic sequential array of lazy egotistical pychcopathic maniac coaches that the kids got who neglected to understand that no matter if they dont win at the age of 5 or 6or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or16 or 17 , it doesnt matter because if they dont have real skills when they are about 18 they have no future what so-ever. The number of kids who get left behind because of incompetant communicators and motivators allowed to participate these days is mind boggling. The Number of kids who have had their confidence shattered because of some attila the hun saying the wrong things is grounds for genocide. The number of coaches who call themselves experts because of the number of years they have been involved is misleading.

The best coach is the one with intestinal fortitude to adopt the worst side in the JPL and invest the time and effort to make the side believe they can do it while recieving the ridicule of defeat by shallow bystanders for nearly a season and then allow these players to be integrated to a better side, perhaps with the lazy coach that caused the problem in the first place.

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Post by povman_2009 »

Not that I am involved in the FFSA and not to push myself as a super coach (far from it) , but this story sounds very much like my experience with a team in E&D

We finished last with zero points 2 years ago, I anticipated a large dropout of players as we had done so poorly but much to my suprise the parents rallied round me at the end of the year and committed their kids for the following season, 14 out of 15 started with me last year and we managed to get off the bottom and achieve some results throughout the year including being the only team to get a point off the top team for the year a hard earned 1-1 draw. The players and parents felt like we had won a championship after that one game, it made 2 years of effort worthwhile.

This season we are battling for a top 3 spot (we have picked up a couple of new players) But still retain a large number from the original squad.

I have always had a philosophy that everyone deserves a game and that the players respect each others levels of ability and learn to play to their strengths.

The reward I get from seeing them form into a competitive unit is more than enough to keep me going in the job and we have even welcomed two players into the fold this year who have never played the game before so the philosophy of giving everyone a go continues.

Giving kids a chance to play is my main aim, and will always be, the best players we have had over the past few years have been encouraged by me to try their luck at a higher level and two of them have done so with success and my blessing.

Long live football
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Best Coach in the JPL

Post by Drusetta »

I'm reasonably confident that almost every club will have at least one coach that fits your apt description - fayigatsidoi. And I daresay there are many more at district or even school level.
I agree that the number of years coaching means very little in the scheme of things. A tiger does not change its stripes and sadly for every one high quality junior coach there is probably 3 or 4 that are not.
The rewards for quality coaches (apart from the intrinsic) can be a combination of inconsistent support from thec federation, clubs and parents. I sometimes think the hassle is not worth it when all the genuine coaches want to do is coach and develop the players.
I'd like to point out that coaches have players for 6-8hours per week, teachers up to 30 hours and parents approx 100. Sometimes a genuine coach's positive influences can be quashed by other negative influences the rest of the time the player is with other less positive company. A coach then has the repeated challenge of rebuilding the positive character traits such as resilience and self confidence week in week out.
It can wear you down sometimes.
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Post by fayigatsidoi »

Drusetta, well said and on top how many times have you seen the confidence of the kids shattered by what can only be the worst influence in some cases an abusive parent or spectator. It is a down hill battle especially if the kids have broken homes, are mistreated at home or school etc.................................................................................................................................Sometimes the only way out is to try and make the little time you have with them as a inner sanctum which is their special place to build their confidence which can be transfered to their life skills......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Good luck to the goog coaches!!
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Best Coaches in the JPL

Post by Drusetta »

Inner sactum is right. This inner sactum of contact coaching time applies not only to the players but to the coaches as well (in most cases).
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Post by corona »

best coach is one that coaches b teams and produces players and teaches those less fortunate how to play .
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Post by Vagrant »

Plenty fit the description, only they do the job attracting little attention and credit, except from those that either lucky enough to come into contact with them or actually understand the job that they are doing.

The others by their nature attract more attention, mostly for the wrong reasons...
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Best Coaches in the JPL

Post by Drusetta »

Vagrant you're spot on.
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Post by BULLDOG »

hello gents.

i coach seniors at a club that has many junior teams so i see many coaches that fit the mold as bad coaches.sadly its parents or ex-not-so-good players that wear the coaches hat just so the kids get a run each week.
however there's also alot of good junior coaches out there that do seem to have the attitude that its not all about winning ,some of the younger coaches,17-18 years old seem to have the right mix,as their still learning the game and improving their skills and so on,that i think they see the importance of passing that mentality on to the young players.

anyway just my thoughts.
onoir diomasack
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