[quote="Jay Walking"]Farm v ISC Raptors
A good 2-1 win for the boys after having a player sent off in the first half. At 2 nil with 11 men, we looked very comfortable. Even the first 10 mins after the red card we looked good but Raptors started to push the ball around more and made our midfield run and run. They started to look a lot better and scored before half time. Not sure how the Raptors keeper wasn't sent off for hand ball outside the box. Even the ref after the game said that he probably should of but thats life.
Second half was similar but Raptors seem to be tiring as much as the Farm.
I heard that they had signed four players during the week and I'm not sure if they were match fit or not. Both teams had a few chances to score but didn't take them.
Great to see Dave Ennis back out on the park. Highlight of the game was him coming on and 45 seconds later, getting booked

With a few extra training sessions, he is going to be a great addition for the second half of the year.
Actually we signed up 6 new players with the league friday night and they all had a massive impact on sunday......with our c teams!!!!
interesting you guys would know this info and even more so your coach would use it as part of his pre-game speach to fire up his troops.
One of our boys overheard him saying that we had signed up some new players and that they may even be ex national league players?????
all in all thought it was a good game and enjoyed the banter with your crowd, in particuler one female supporter who took offence at our coach yelling instructions.

You guys thouroughlly deserved the victory, well done and good luck for the rest of the year.