k-man wrote:Hungarian gypsy?
Dual monarchy is much nicer than copping it up the guza for 500 years from the Turks!
Hey Axel, you never heard of Luka Modric? You know, the guy who took the piss out of Lampard & Gerrard at Wembley...remind me again which major tourney Bosnia has qualified for?
mlatiš praznu slamu i sramotiš se. ... remind me again which major tourney Bosnia has qualified? We will have our day! Just enjoy it while you can!
Hey Hosvac,
: 500 godina turska vlada hrvatsku zemlju boli jeli?
sanjati da bosna ce biti vase nikada zivjela bosna i hercegovina.
GO Bosna i Hercegovina 2010 south africa here we come...........
A ti drkas prazan kurac!
Nacekat ces za vas dan. Budi te sretni onaj cupav kriminalac Zagroac vam dao republiku...prije toga ste bili jugoslaveni i nista drugo. Ni ste ni zajednicu ovdje imali, ni klub a sad ste neki veliki "Bosnjaci". Znam ja dosta muslimana koji su se zvali Hrvati prije - neki i jos danas.
Mene nista ne boli...imamo svoju slobodnu drzavu, ono sto smu uvijek tili i kontroliramo ga - vasa je 50% pod srpskom kontrolom i bilo bi i vise da nije za Oluju, srbi bi vas klali i u Bihacu isto kao u Srebrenicu. BiH kao drzava meni ne smeta - to je politika. Ali smeta mi da srbi ga 49% drzu...jeli tebi smeta? Jebiga, uvijek ce nesto nekomu smetat.
Ja kao Hrvat ne vidim "Bosnjaci" kao neprijatelj - neki mislu da jesu, nek svak misli sta hoce ali ja ne.
Bring your floaties on Sunday - might need em in this weather.
Optimus Prime, I have not been involved with Croatia in any capacity for over 4 years now. When I was there, I never experienced too much of what you've described. For one, we never had a crowd coz our crowd only followed our Super League Club. We drank hard, played hard and after each away game had a drink in opposition club bars (if they had one) no matter the result. From my experience, what you describe I have witnessed at most clubs in the Amateur League and not just Croatia & Bosnia.
I can't comment in recent years, but from what I hear our reputation has dived and my understanding is changes have been made at the club, and I haven't heard anything negative so far this year.
The match will last the full 90mins on Sunday - predictions of violence are over the top imo, as we have no history of violence between us here. Might be hard and a bit rough on the field, but I expect no trouble off it and I imagine some of Bosnia's supporters and players to have a drink in the club rooms after the match where they will be welcome.
I look forward to the League's ruling on the Gardens/Florina fiasco from last week...personally I expect it to be swept under the carpet.