Due to player movement to the 19's
Playford urgently need player's for their u/17 squads.
Contact Greg Voigt (junior delegate) 0400771960 or
Bill 0411390056. ASAP
They don't look like they need players from what I've seen - or maybe they've kicked, hacked, and butchered enough opposition players to earn their stripes to play U19?
CEO wrote:They don't look like they need players from what I've seen - or maybe they've kicked, hacked, and butchered enough opposition players to earn their stripes to play U19?
CEO wrote:They don't look like they need players from what I've seen -
or maybe they've kicked, hacked, and butchered enough opposition players to earn their stripes to play U19?
God knows.
Tell that to the keeper who had his leg broken from a tackle that didnt even get a card...
As shocking as it is that the lad got a broken leg - and I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery - it was not a bookable offence. Ball was 50/50 and there was NO malice in it - certainly not from the Campbelltown player.
Who?... Who is but a form, followed by the function of what... And what I am, is a man in a mask!
supporter wrote:
Tell that to the keeper who had his leg broken from a tackle that didnt even get a card...
As shocking as it is that the lad got a broken leg - and I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery - it was not a bookable offence. Ball was 50/50 and there was NO malice in it - certainly not from the Campbelltown player.
This is correct - the Campbelltown player had every opportunity to get the ball as did the keeper - pure 50/50 and even the Campbelltown player apparently copped a couple of nasty stud marks on his shin as a result of the collision.
Sadly, legs get broken in these incidents, it is not necessarily a booking or even a foul. I put the ball in the net, and broke a guys leg at the same time in a game in Mebourne years ago, the ref allowed the goal....
I didnt see the game, but have since been told that it was just one of those things. If you play sport, you can get injured.
My original post was just a resonse to CEO for his "Kicking / Hacking" comment. Having watched Campbelltown play against my lads teams over the past couple of seasons, i havnt seen any real dirty play, They can be a bit mouthy, , but not dirty.
Yeah I don't really see Campbelltown as a dirty side..I just think they need to learn to control their tackles..majority of the tackles in their 17B's side on Sunday were studs up. I don't think they were actually trying to hurt anyone tho..
i happen to catch the game between playford and campbelltown and i think campbelltown were more of the dirter team and it showed due to braking the keepers leg which was not a 50-50 ball
supastar#8 wrote:i happen to catch the game between playford and campbelltown and i think campbelltown were more of the dirter team and it showed due to braking the keepers leg which was not a 50-50 ball
Then you are a twat and don't know $hit from gravy.
Who?... Who is but a form, followed by the function of what... And what I am, is a man in a mask!
jagshemash wrote:17s playford city arrr dirtyy dudeee ha haaa
thankyou for that totally Incoherent peice of shit u call a comment. playford under 17s are not dirty, ive seen two of their games and i believe they are both a skillful and young side. they have had a hard time with injuries so far and have played a few games with 10 men and its a credit to them that they are able to compete against sides with 11 players, altho if the standard of intellegence of the other teams is at urs mate then i dont think that would be to hard. they are already down to ten players in both sides and all they ask is for more players mate, lets not treat them like disease ok and keep ur utterly useless comments to urself in future
VORONIN#10 (IF HE gets a hair cut)
RAFA B#69 lol
jagshemash wrote:i was only jokin trinitys kuyt ..
i believe i play at playford city buddy
higher up tho
haha sorri mate, i was just bored lol. have a good one
VORONIN#10 (IF HE gets a hair cut)
RAFA B#69 lol
i have seen the 17s play in the first cup round against salisbury... score was 4-2.. but that didnt sum the game up... playford are dirty .... but when they found themselves in a tuff position during the game.. the played some good football... despite a few stupid free kicks they gave away.. they do play good football when they try...