And what was he smart asssss??? Another Makedonkey on here who knows nothing about History.
Alexander of Macedon was GREEK alright, that you dont have to worry about, and just in case you were wondering he actually SPOKE GREEK & taught Greek every place he conquered as well, the VERYINA as it is known, which is the SUN on the Macedonian flag is actually GREEK you moron. The SUNS rays on that flag when you next count them add up to 16 which represent the 16 UNITED STATES OF GREECE. Yes thats right, the History books will tell you that but the Macedonians of Macedonia WONT. But we do thank them for recognising that they are actually GREEK
You wanna talk History buddy then talk the truth because thats what History is, all the rest are stories borne from too many late nights on the vino
The period of Ancient Egypt around 300 BC was the PTOLEMAIC PERIOD which in plain English buddy tells you it was the Period where the PHARAOS of Egypt were GREEK eg CLEOPATRA. Where do you think this GREEK influence came from you imbasile??? Well ill tell you..................................from ALEXANDER THE GREEK, not ALEXANDER the slav
When you study History, then you can comment but until then keep drinking your Vino and keep dreaming about where you WISH History had taken your people
Born in Pella, Macedonia, Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedon
and as for "the kop" I've quoted "history" for you. Next.
What makes me laugh is the presumption that I'm Macedonian, just because I believe that a person born in Macedonia to Macedonian parents is Macedonian. So Mr Kop, you orange, stick that in you dole signing scouse pipe.
Still not mention of your own fans nearly killing their own. AGAIN!
I believe Macedon (Macedonia) was part of the Greek empire at the time, like Sparta and Athens. You cant deny history or heritage for that matter. Too correct you on another thing "Megas Alexandros" and not the bastardised anglo version is what this hero was known as. If you have no understanding of the Greek language then you wouldnt know how to say that. Im sure with your extensive knowlege on the subject you will find the scopiano way of saying Megas Alexandros however.
COLOSSUS wrote:Are you that thick that you cant work it out you ahristo???
People that were sent out here as convicts are English, yes bloody oath they are. Whether they want to accept that or not is their own perrogative but thats the truth. All others are migrants who came here by choice like your grandparents and mine you imbasile.
Back in the days of the ancient times, there were never countries by name so to speak. MAKETHONIA is a UNITED STATE OF GREECE, therefor the Spartans, Athenians, Minoans and Macedonians were and are part of the Ancient HELLENISTIC EMPIRE you moron.
Just because a few people were confused many years down the track by the Slavic General TITO, and were brainwashed to think they were slavs doesnt make them slavs. KING PHILLIP was GREEK, his son ALEXANDER was GREEK and their people were GREEK hence the reason there is STILL GREEK CULTURE and places where GREEK is still spoken in certain villages of countries in the MIDDLE EAST which ALEXANDER THE GREEK conquered many moons ago
And australia is part of the British Empire, still doesn't make you English does it. Go and ask a Croatian if they are croat or yugoslavia. :? During the 15th century, there was no such place as germany, only to the holy roman empire, does that mean that Martin Luther wasn't German then.
Stop tying to change history. The facts are simple, I'm not clouded by any bias, unlike some.
The Kop wrote:So next thing you'll tell us is the Arcadians, Spartans and Cretians werent Greek either????
The Macedonian city state characteristics were the same as many other GREEK city states. Therefore fall under the category of Greek.
Thankyou and goodnight.
I don't know about those, so won't comment. If Macdonia is just part of Greece then how comes FIFA lets them have their own team. Adelaide is similar to a lot of English cities, is it part of England then?
It was phenomenal.....Even though we lost it was worth every $$$$
I was in a pub after the game and both sets of fans got on fantastically well. There was only some fighting outside when some Panathinaikos sup[porters came aroiund.