Chinese Super League Chaos

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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

OK, i just read that Lockheed Martin are testing Hyper sonic rockets also,it took Russia 15 years to develop a working one,but who knows it might be done as fast as corona virus vaccines-after all we live in interesting times!
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by Old Master »

predrag wrote: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:29 pm The US navy has 10 aircraft carriers,with one more being currently refitted,so this operative wrote his report on the premise that US armed forces will not defend Australia at all?I think China will invade the US mainland & India before trying down under.Also backstabbing Russia as soon as chance is available.Western countries need to know Russia is not their enemy as much as Russians should understand that the Chinese are not their buddies,together with India this coalition could hold China at bay easy.Currently only Russia has working hyper-sonic missiles which would sink US ships like toys,but also Chinese ones.
Everything the Chinese government has been doing over the last ten years points to it seeking to control the whole of the South East Asian area and the Pacific countries and islands close to it to make it almost impossible for the Us to penetrate.
Taking Australia and NZ will be a simple logistical manoeuvre for them.
They already control most of the NZ economy and have so many agents there it will take them less than 24 hours to take over and two or three days to consolidate.
The Chinese have far more large transport planes and ships than the US and more long range fighter jets and bombers able to be re-fuelled at their island bases and the West Australian bases they already have in place.
The US is distracted by Middle East conflicts and Russian attempts to gain more of it's former USSR countries and could never respond quickly enough to prevent or recover lost ground.
The older I get the better I was.

The Rest Is Just Details
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

I agree with your assessment,if we are undefended by US we are done for quickly as our Armed forces are extremely small,our drug addicted pacifist youth would be no match for an ideologically driven Chinese soldier.
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by theorakle »

predrag wrote: Thu Mar 18, 2021 3:02 pm I agree with your assessment,if we are undefended by US we are done for quickly as our Armed forces are extremely small,our drug addicted pacifist youth would be no match for an ideologically driven Chinese soldier.
its about time working mens sons realise there is NOTHING IN IT FOR THEM IN WARS except to make the filfyrich barstewards richer faster. surely chinese soldiers dont want to become collateral damage either even if president ping led them into battle. which naturaly he wouldent. do you think scomo would lead aussie troops in either. :?: :?: :?: :lol:
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

This way of thinking i believe will prevail ,unfortunately probably after a nuclear exchange has happened. Most governments will be toppled by the people that will figure what has been done to them. EVEN THEN THEY WILL PLAY INTO THE READY WRITTEN SCRIPT OF A SO TALKED ABOUT NEW WORLD ORDER.
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by theorakle »

after hiroshima and nagasaki that should have been it. no more bloody stupid wars. no more working mens sons killed for NOTHING but it hasnt has it. the weapons the world has today could destroy the planet and the real people who do run this planet would go down with the rest of us unless elon musk can get them to mars in time. they are the drug lords,the arms dealers,the oil shieks and the multi nationals. the pollies of the world do their bidding,not ours. sorry folks ive not had my cup of tea and vegemite toast yet this morning. perhaps they will go back to swords and spears. at least john howard banned guns didnt he. :roll:
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

After watching the 2 ego-maniacs Putin & Biden exchange pleasantries i hold little hope for next few years for things to get better.
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by GaylyColouredStumps »

predrag wrote: Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:25 am This way of thinking i believe will prevail ,unfortunately probably after a nuclear exchange has happened. Most governments will be toppled by the people that will figure what has been done to them. EVEN THEN THEY WILL PLAY INTO THE READY WRITTEN SCRIPT OF A SO TALKED ABOUT NEW WORLD ORDER.

Future big super power wars will all be digital.

The threat of nuclear is just to keep people like you stressed and fearful so you can be manipulated.
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

If that was the case the nuclear superpowers would have a few rockets with nuke warheads each,not enough to destroy the world a few times over,they would have put the money into their economy-especially a weak economy like Russia.
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by GaylyColouredStumps »

predrag wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:55 pm If that was the case the nuclear superpowers would have a few rockets with nuke warheads each,not enough to destroy the world a few times over,they would have put the money into their economy-especially a weak economy like Russia.
Nobody is going to use nuclear weapons.

You should be worried about your country's electricity grid going into failure because of a foreign cyberattack.

You're still living in the 80s man :lol:
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

I never said digital warfare isn't a prospect of future wars/blackmail against governments. Watch what happens in Turkey/Scandinavia in next few years.
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Re: Chinese Super League Chaos

Post by predrag »

NATO used carbon-graphite bombs on power stations in the 99 bombing of Serbia, knocking out the electric grid of the entire country, Hackers must have been on standby for next wave of attacks.
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