Thanks to the benevolence of long time Knights player, and owner of Cash Car Monster, Scott Bradley, who donated the coach and also long time player, President and owner of Quality Training & Hospitality, Richard Finlayson, who is assisting with registration.....all set for Port Pirie this year
Southern Knights now have a 'new' coach that can handle up to 48 players and this space..
Bomber wrote:Could be an uphill battle and looks older than Wenger. Hopefully team balance will be ok with the right people up front and those playing at the back.
Bomber wrote:Could be an uphill battle and looks older than Wenger. Hopefully team balance will be ok with the right people up front and those playing at the back.
In desperate times we can just park it !
Hopefully whoever drives it home has the appropriate licences.
Last edited by Bomber on Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Already been vandalised but not before someone complained to the Council where it has been parked (at the sports complex), bit suspect methinks...claimed it was abandoned.
Now we have to find somewhere safe to park it.
swannsong wrote:Already been vandalised but not before someone complained to the Council where it has been parked (at the sports complex), bit suspect methinks...claimed it was abandoned.
Now we have to find somewhere safe to park it.
swannsong wrote:Seemed like a good idea at the time, half expected graffiti, never expected wanton (not the Chinese type) vandalism within the complex grounds.
Try and do a good thing and people duck it up.. absolute bellends!!
In my time at Anfield we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.
-- Bill Shankly --
A lot of coaches get kept at the U-store it self storage on Aldenhoven Road at Lonsdale. It's not that far from Sully Beach, although I don't know they charge though.
Celebrity Juice wrote:A lot of coaches get kept at the U-store it self storage on Aldenhoven Road at Lonsdale. It's not that far from Sully Beach, although I don't know they charge though.
.....first 2 months $200 after that $200 per month
Jogonalex wrote:So with the pre-season under way one wonders if the coach has survived or been moved on was a good signing early but results didn't go his way...
Was moved on but still awaiting negotiations and suitable offer for transfer...
Jogonalex wrote:So with the pre-season under way one wonders if the coach has survived or been moved on was a good signing early but results didn't go his way...
Was moved on but still awaiting negotiations and suitable offer for transfer...
Jogonalex wrote:So with the pre-season under way one wonders if the coach has survived or been moved on was a good signing early but results didn't go his way...
Was moved on but still awaiting negotiations and suitable offer for transfer...