One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

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One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by othsc4life »

Saturday div 3. One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves at One Tree Hill. About 60 minutes into the game Wolves player gets sent off for a second bookable offence, n another Wolves player yellow carded for whinging.

2 minutes later Wolves player punches a OTH player in the back, who turns around n shoves the guy. Only to cop a dog punch from behind from another player. Players come in from all angles seemingly to break it up... nek minit the wolves crowd come storming onto the pitch throwing haymakers n kicks. 40 man all in brawl breaks out and match abandoned.

We played this rabble in the cup n they had 3 players sent off. Why does the league constantly persist with these disgraceful clubs who are there as much for the fight as they are for the football.

They play good football, they haven't been beaten all season. I just do not understand why they resort to this ridiculous behaviour. If they want to fight they can join the local boxing club, otherwise just stick to playing football and stop making a disgrace of yourselves!!!
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Rexie »

Flog of a club
Played them in the cup- we got belted but they had a guy get a red for punching our player 20 mins in who then spat at the ref as hewalked off the pitch.absulte feral behaviour.
Then after the game had finished 2 players followed one of my players back to his car which led to nearly an all in brawl- including spectators- ref was still there as well. . We had young kids there who were scared when all we were doing was going back to our cars to leave.
This all stemmed from an issues during a pre season "friendly".
I think my drinking club has a soccer problem.....
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by othsc4life »

I know what ya mean mate. When we played them in the cup one of their 3 red cards was for throwing a punch. They had a whole sideline of blokes calling out our players and fans for a punch on

We arent angels by any means. Some of our fans love the banter n dont mind a wind up... but thats every club. N we have players that have copped red cards, absolutely. But never have our fans got involved to the point of throwing punches or storming the pitch to fight. Never have our players instigated an all in brawl in that fashion...

What will it take for the league to take action? One of our lads could have well been hurt very badly yesterday. We have some young players, and we have a lot of women n kids who come to watch the games. What needs to happen before the league says enough is enough? 3 cops cars and a paddy wagon rocked up yesterday, is that not alarm bells enough for the league when issues are going beyond the laws of the game and are becoming potential criminal offenses?? The league should be banning this club from ever forming and banning the players involved
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by legga »

Time to f**k these clubs off, amateur football (afl) do it without hesitation. Time the powers to be got some balls and dealt with these muppets.....But we all know that will never happen, change name, use a different finger up someone's Gary....Fucking joke..
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by WAWAW »

Be interesting to see how many yellow and red cards they have had throughout the season? Surely there is some kind of discipline for red card accumulation alone. There was even a red card in the reserve game for NW after they were well beaten 7-0.

I'm supirise they can field a team with suspensions.

Yesterday's incident and behaviour was appalling. Not only was it a cowardly act to punch a OTH player from behind which started the ball rolling, the remaining players from the sidelines including NW supporters were like sprinters out of the blocks to run on the pitch and fight...... and this in front of women & children who had come to watch a game of soccer.

NW are a good footballing side who move the ball well and have some talented players. Unfortunately the players let themselves down due to the aggressive, whinging and to be fair poor attitude especially when losing. This attitude also comes from the sidelines with constants abuse to the referee at every decision that doesn't go their way.

This kind of behaviour cannot be accepted at ANY level but will continue to do so if the league do not start punishing teams with something. This is not an isolated incident for this club or the players involved. It seems it's consistently like this.

No doubt NW will say it was OTH fault? the initial comment from NW was to blame the referee for his poor performance and that he was biased? How can you blame the referee for punching a player and then the rest of the team joining in with punches and kicks whilst he was on the ground, which even lead to his shirt being ripped apart.

There is no excuse for the behaviour or violence. We all come to play the game and yes things can get physical at times and decisions don't go a teams way at times, but that is not an excuse.

The outcome from any referee report by the league will be interesting, but we know that there is unlikely to be a club punishment.
Maybe it's time players who are attack in such a manner start criminal proceedings against the perpetrators.

The other twist to all this, is that NW are moving to a brand new facility with new pitch, clubrooms etc next season and are therefore being supported by the local council. Are they actually aware of what club they are providing and supporting these facilities too?

We wait with bated breath as to the leagues outcome..... but won't be expecting anything!

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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Rexie »

Totally agree, particularly where there is a repeat offending club.
I know we have a preempt mouthy crowd that loves the banter. In fact I know that what lots of player love when they come to the downs. Yet at the end we shake hands and have a beer- not follow them to the car park.
If this happened at my club- or the odd accession it has- we deal with it as a committee and remove those players and tell them thanks- but no thanks.
We take pride in our onfield and off field actions and actually put out players, coaches, and even parents of all junior teams through a session each year about club expectations and code of conduct. They all need to sign it as well. I know it won't legally stand for anything but sets the boundaries early so that if something happens we can take swift action. Rather than a 3 strikes policy. It has been working well. How can the wolves allow these players to continue and bring down the hard work of the many that do do a top job at the club. Particularly their junior set up that is growing- and with a new ground and club room next year the sky is the limit. But I know if I heard that this is what their club condones I would be reluctant to take my kids their to become part of a club like that.
I think my drinking club has a soccer problem.....
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by WAWAW »

You mention that the player sent off against you then spat at the ref.

According to the rules and red card offences:
R3: spitting at an opponent or any other person min 6 match max 12 match ban
Offences against match officials:
R6: spitting min 1 year maximum life ban

I don't reckon that happened do you?

SAASL Code of Conduct
The SAASL takes the commitment to provide a safe and enjoyable environment extremely seriously and will very strictly uphold its code of conduct.
The purpose of these codes is to clearly outline the expectations and responsibilities of each group and to explain the consequences that may arise if the code is not followed.
It is imperative that Clubs recognise that they have a vital role to play in ensuring that their members are aware of the standard of behaviour that will be accepted.
The League shall impose significant penalties for unacceptable behaviour including but not restricted to:
• Racial or Religious comments
• Referee harassment
• Swearing
• Physical confrontation
• Verbal abuse or threats
Penalties can include but not restricted to:
• The loss of premiership points
• Severe fines
• A Club or player(s) suspended from playing
• A Club or player(s) being de-registered from the SAASL

And I reckon that there are some breaches there too?

Code of Conduct
A spectator at a Match or otherwise involved in any activity sanctioned or staged by, or held under the auspices of, South Australian Amateur Soccer League must:
a. respect the decisions of Match Officials and teach children to do the same;
b. respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, race, colour, religion, language, politics, national or ethnic origin;
c. not use violence in any form, whether it is against other spectators, Team Officials (including coaches), Match Officials or Players;
d. not engage in discrimination, harassment or abuse in any form, including the use of obscene or offensive language or gestures, the incitement of hatred or violence or partaking in indecent or racist chanting;
e. not throw missiles (including on to the field of play or at other spectators) and must not enter the field of play or its surrounds without lawful authority; and
f. conduct themselves in a manner that enhances, rather than injures, the reputation and goodwill of the South Australian Amateur Soccer League and Football generally.
It is the Clubs responsibility to ensure that all spectators receive and comply with the Code of Conduct and support the principles of

And maybe a few more there? How many breaches or rules broken does it take to enforce a severe punishment
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by othsc4life »

Good to see the result has gone down officially as a 2-1 win to OTH according to the SAASL website. Just rewards for the OTH lads... now hopefully we seen some stern, decisive action against this club from the league
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by redwin »

legga wrote:Time to f**k these clubs off, amateur football (afl) do it without hesitation. Time the powers to be got some balls and dealt with these muppets.....But we all know that will never happen, change name, use a different finger up someone's Gary....bottle of shiraz joke..


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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by supastar#8 »

Rexie wrote:Totally agree, particularly where there is a repeat offending club.
I know we have a preempt mouthy crowd that loves the banter. In fact I know that what lots of player love when they come to the downs. Yet at the end we shake hands and have a beer- not follow them to the car park.
If this happened at my club- or the odd accession it has- we deal with it as a committee and remove those players and tell them thanks- but no thanks.
We take pride in our onfield and off field actions and actually put out players, coaches, and even parents of all junior teams through a session each year about club expectations and code of conduct. They all need to sign it as well. I know it won't legally stand for anything but sets the boundaries early so that if something happens we can take swift action. Rather than a 3 strikes policy. It has been working well. How can the wolves allow these players to continue and bring down the hard work of the many that do do a top job at the club. Particularly their junior set up that is growing- and with a new ground and club room next year the sky is the limit. But I know if I heard that this is what their club condones I would be reluctant to take my kids their to become part of a club like that.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by supastar#8 »

Rexie wrote:Totally agree, particularly where there is a repeat offending club.
I know we have a preempt mouthy crowd that loves the banter. In fact I know that what lots of player love when they come to the downs. Yet at the end we shake hands and have a beer- not follow them to the car park.
If this happened at my club- or the odd accession it has- we deal with it as a committee and remove those players and tell them thanks- but no thanks.
We take pride in our onfield and off field actions and actually put out players, coaches, and even parents of all junior teams through a session each year about club expectations and code of conduct. They all need to sign it as well. I know it won't legally stand for anything but sets the boundaries early so that if something happens we can take swift action. Rather than a 3 strikes policy. It has been working well. How can the wolves allow these players to continue and bring down the hard work of the many that do do a top job at the club. Particularly their junior set up that is growing- and with a new ground and club room next year the sky is the limit. But I know if I heard that this is what their club condones I would be reluctant to take my kids their to become part of a club like that.
:lol: :lol:
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by spooky1972 »

I've said it 100 times and i'll say it again, once clubs simply stop playing these clubs they will go. if every clubs forfeits every single game these clubs will die, no player will hang around
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by othsc4life »

spooky1972 wrote:I've said it 100 times and i'll say it again, once clubs simply stop playing these clubs they will go. if every clubs forfeits every single game these clubs will die, no player will hang around
in theory yeah it works. but how do you orchestrate such a boycott so that every team in the league does it? I mean really it shouldnt be up to the teams to take such action. What needs to be happening is clubs need to be contacting the league and putting in complaints along with the refs report. The league has to act at some point surely? like does someone need to end up in hospital from an assault before this club gets shut down? because that very well could have happened on the weekend the way punches and kicks were flying in. It genuinely wasnt just a case of 2 people throwing down and 20 people havin a little push n shove to boost their ego levels. This was a group of supporters who ran onto the pitch with the intention of attacking players... it became very dangerous.

We now have to play these guys last game of the season too. How does one approach that game? I have no doubt in my mind that the same people who stormed that pitch will be at that game, and will have no loss of memory about what happened this weekend. They will go there wanting to cause trouble again. Problem for us as a club is it could very well be an important game, depending on how results go between now and then it could be the difference between sides getting promoted, or winning the flag. I highly doubt that nothing will be riding on the game... so what do we do? What action does the league take to protect the players? with a bit of luck we will find out this week. Id like to think no other team in the league will be put at risk of this happening again against this club

And as already mentioned here... many thousands of dollars are being invested into new facilities by the council. Facilities that this club will be using next season. Are the council even aware of what sort of club they are supporting, and investing rate payers money into?
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by RowePark »

othsc4life wrote:
And as already mentioned here... many thousands of dollars are being invested into new facilities by the council. Facilities that this club will be using next season. Are the council even aware of what sort of club they are supporting, and investing rate payers money into?
im sure the council would love to hear your report, how else will they know i am sure they woudlnt be attending last weekends game.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Jogonalex »

othsc4life wrote:
spooky1972 wrote:I've said it 100 times and i'll say it again, once clubs simply stop playing these clubs they will go. if every clubs forfeits every single game these clubs will die, no player will hang around
in theory yeah it works. but how do you orchestrate such a boycott so that every team in the league does it? I mean really it shouldnt be up to the teams to take such action. What needs to be happening is clubs need to be contacting the league and putting in complaints along with the refs report. The league has to act at some point surely? like does someone need to end up in hospital from an assault before this club gets shut down? because that very well could have happened on the weekend the way punches and kicks were flying in. It genuinely wasnt just a case of 2 people throwing down and 20 people havin a little push n shove to boost their ego levels. This was a group of supporters who ran onto the pitch with the intention of attacking players... it became very dangerous.

We now have to play these guys last game of the season too. How does one approach that game? I have no doubt in my mind that the same people who stormed that pitch will be at that game, and will have no loss of memory about what happened this weekend. They will go there wanting to cause trouble again. Problem for us as a club is it could very well be an important game, depending on how results go between now and then it could be the difference between sides getting promoted, or winning the flag. I highly doubt that nothing will be riding on the game... so what do we do? What action does the league take to protect the players? with a bit of luck we will find out this week. Id like to think no other team in the league will be put at risk of this happening again against this club

Surely the league has a grievance procedure?? The risk with boycotting every game is that if the league won't/can't step in then the risk is they win the league on forfeit and doesn't solve anything.
The league has a duty of care and I'd be very surprised if it doesn't have a grievance procedure.... have they been contacted?? it would take time and several meetings so just needs someone to put in the hard yards and see where it goes

And as already mentioned here... many thousands of dollars are being invested into new facilities by the council. Facilities that this club will be using next season. Are the council even aware of what sort of club they are supporting, and investing rate payers money into?
In my time at Anfield we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Jogonalex »

halfcutfan wrote:
othsc4life wrote:
spooky1972 wrote:I've said it 100 times and i'll say it again, once clubs simply stop playing these clubs they will go. if every clubs forfeits every single game these clubs will die, no player will hang around
in theory yeah it works. but how do you orchestrate such a boycott so that every team in the league does it? I mean really it shouldnt be up to the teams to take such action. What needs to be happening is clubs need to be contacting the league and putting in complaints along with the refs report. The league has to act at some point surely? like does someone need to end up in hospital from an assault before this club gets shut down? because that very well could have happened on the weekend the way punches and kicks were flying in. It genuinely wasnt just a case of 2 people throwing down and 20 people havin a little push n shove to boost their ego levels. This was a group of supporters who ran onto the pitch with the intention of attacking players... it became very dangerous.

We now have to play these guys last game of the season too. How does one approach that game? I have no doubt in my mind that the same people who stormed that pitch will be at that game, and will have no loss of memory about what happened this weekend. They will go there wanting to cause trouble again. Problem for us as a club is it could very well be an important game, depending on how results go between now and then it could be the difference between sides getting promoted, or winning the flag. I highly doubt that nothing will be riding on the game... so what do we do? What action does the league take to protect the players? with a bit of luck we will find out this week. Id like to think no other team in the league will be put at risk of this happening again against this club

Surely the league has a grievance procedure?? The risk with boycotting every game is that if the league won't/can't step in then the risk is they win the league on forfeit and doesn't solve anything.
The league has a duty of care and I'd be very surprised if it doesn't have a grievance procedure.... have they been contacted?? it would take time and several meetings so just needs someone to put in the hard yards and see where it goes

And as already mentioned here... many thousands of dollars are being invested into new facilities by the council. Facilities that this club will be using next season. Are the council even aware of what sort of club they are supporting, and investing rate payers money into?

Surely the league has a grievance procedure?? The risk with boycotting every game is that if the league won't/can't step in then the risk is they win the league on forfeit and doesn't solve anything.
The league has a duty of care and I'd be very surprised if it doesn't have a grievance procedure.... have they been contacted?? it would take time and several meetings so just needs someone to put in the hard yards and see where it goes
In my time at Anfield we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by terryball »

othsc4life wrote:
spooky1972 wrote:I've said it 100 times and i'll say it again, once clubs simply stop playing these clubs they will go. if every clubs forfeits every single game these clubs will die, no player will hang around
in theory yeah it works. but how do you orchestrate such a boycott so that every team in the league does it? I mean really it shouldnt be up to the teams to take such action. What needs to be happening is clubs need to be contacting the league and putting in complaints along with the refs report. The league has to act at some point surely? like does someone need to end up in hospital from an assault before this club gets shut down? because that very well could have happened on the weekend the way punches and kicks were flying in. It genuinely wasnt just a case of 2 people throwing down and 20 people havin a little push n shove to boost their ego levels. This was a group of supporters who ran onto the pitch with the intention of attacking players... it became very dangerous.

We now have to play these guys last game of the season too. How does one approach that game? I have no doubt in my mind that the same people who stormed that pitch will be at that game, and will have no loss of memory about what happened this weekend. They will go there wanting to cause trouble again. Problem for us as a club is it could very well be an important game, depending on how results go between now and then it could be the difference between sides getting promoted, or winning the flag. I highly doubt that nothing will be riding on the game... so what do we do? What action does the league take to protect the players? with a bit of luck we will find out this week. Id like to think no other team in the league will be put at risk of this happening again against this club

And as already mentioned here... many thousands of dollars are being invested into new facilities by the council. Facilities that this club will be using next season. Are the council even aware of what sort of club they are supporting, and investing rate payers money into?
You could turn up take to the pitch, then walk off after the whistle, avoiding a forfeit fine.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Hatchet Squad »

What are their background?
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by ExtraTime »

Hatchet Squad wrote:What are their background?
Are you orakle Jnr
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Bomber »

bloodypassit wrote:
Hatchet Squad wrote:What are their background?
Are you orakle Jnr
Fair question. Given when certain other teams do it, out comes the race card.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by WAWAW »

halfcutfan wrote: Surely the league has a grievance procedure?? The risk with boycotting every game is that if the league won't/can't step in then the risk is they win the league on forfeit and doesn't solve anything.
The league has a duty of care and I'd be very surprised if it doesn't have a grievance procedure.... have they been contacted?? it would take time and several meetings so just needs someone to put in the hard yards and see where it goes

The hard yards have begun..... it appears to be a persistent problem as suspected. Be interesting to see what the league decide when presented with information?
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by othsc4life »

Bomber wrote:
bloodypassit wrote:
Hatchet Squad wrote:What are their background?
Are you orakle Jnr
Fair question. Given when certain other teams do it, out comes the race card.
Well without knowing exactly, just on appearance i would say some of their players seem to be from a middle eastern background. Maybe some italian/greek backgrounds also.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by WAWAW »

Personally this is not about background and most certainly not about race. This is purely and simply about behaviour/violence of players/supporters of a club.

There is no excuse for that! at ANY level.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by blue moon »

Forest T Hairy wrote:Personally this is not about background and most certainly not about race. This is purely and simply about behaviour/violence of players/supporters of a club.

There is no excuse for that! at ANY level.
not sure about that, I think the Italian, greek and anglo saxon based clubs have a pretty good record these days. Seems to be the same group of nationalities where this behaviour comes from.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by WAWAW »

What I'm saying is the issue in this case is the behaviour and violence shown by the players and supporters of that club....... there is no excuse for that..... no matter what background, race etc you are....... that's the matter that needs to be dealt with here!

I appreciate what your saying but it's not the topic here and not what the club should be judge on if they are given any disciplinary action......? I don't support this persistent behaviour from anyone! :shock:
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Your Shout »

Waleed Aly and Malcolm Turnbull need to hear about this.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by sin²x + cos²x = 1 »

Who is Waleed Aly?
I tend to go off on a tangent
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Your Shout »

^ :roll:
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Steve#4 »

Same story different year/club. Clubs need to breakaway from the do nothing toothless
Bunch that are the saasl. Not saying federation but if enough clubs feel strongly
About this they need to form their own Amateur league. It is not difficult if you keep the "Amateur"
Philosophy front of mind.
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Re: One Tree Hill Vs Northern Wolves... All in brawl

Post by Delete Your Account »

Steve#4 wrote:Same story different year/club. Clubs need to breakaway from the do nothing toothless
Bunch that are the saasl. Not saying federation but if enough clubs feel strongly
About this they need to form their own Amateur league. It is not difficult if you keep the "Amateur"
Philosophy front of mind.
I've played both these teams at some point during my career, and never in any game was there even the slightest hint of trouble.
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