Bomber and Always offside, I think you are being fairly harsh in your criticism of another person highlighting the inadequacy’s of the FFSA and a club. Yes, Pitchy has focused on one club but is ultimately saying, to achieve improvement within women’s soccer in SA we need to improve the FFSA and how we allow clubs to run.
Bomber….to correct some of your facts:
According to the Croydon coach he was “begged by the board of Croydon” to start the women’s competition for three years and finally relented, not that he contacted the board. His wife actually didn’t want anything to do with it and wanted to, and still wants, to play for her old club.
You say culture doesn’t happen overnight but it needs a basis to start from. The coach started with lies and deception from the get go, he told players anything they wanted to hear just to get them through the door, the players now realise that and some have left (I believe they now have only 15 players for 2 squads). Skill level is not important but one of the key skills at being a good coach is knowing your players ability’s and pushing them at the correct pace to achieve their goals, not throwing them in deep water and hoping they can swim!
He did attempt to poach the best players from clubs, he used match sheets to find the best players and contacted them from there. His old club were very accommodating to him and released more players then the FFSA rules allow (5) to Croydon to help them start up as well as sharing the Croydon FB page. I know he was still contacting the clubs players up until a few weeks ago trying to poach them, which is poor Sportsmanship when you have promised you wouldn’t do it. I was one of the players he contacted to play, so most of the points I’ve made here are points he has personally told me and I’ve verified with others he contacted.
You can have time to improve, that’s not what I believe Pitchy was saying, he was saying, take the time in a lower div that is suited to your ability.
I don’t believe Pitchy was creating a smear campaign, just because you are friends with the said person and club, you’re being defensive not objective. Other people have criticised other clubs worse than this and you have not been this vocal. Everyone on this forum wants women’s football to be competitive, fun and to ultimately grow the sport for the better, I think sometimes we need to watch the words we use at others ie “bring it on and I will smash you down” (and no, I don’t know Pitchy).
The difference between the AFL and what Pitchy is highlighting is that in the AFL the players are of equal skill and development. The example that has been highlighted is the equivalent of a Div 7 Amateur football league team being thrown into the SANFL and expecting to be competitive!
I wouldn’t believe all the rumours you hear about the Women’s team, most have them have been made up.
Unfortunately I believe the FFSA have really let the girls in this club down and should be held accountable at the end of the day. Stevie Wonder could see the Croydon coach’s ego was affecting his ability to lead his team(s), the federation should not have allowed him to field two teams with the numbers he had or in the division he did with the listed players. I know friends of some of the Croydon players and have been told they are pretty much broken and have no passion to play for the rest of the season, which is the opposite of what the FFSA say they are fostering! One of the girls said “even if we get a new coach, we are still a div 5 team in State league!”. They additionally need to address how 15 (pretty deflated players already) are going to be able to play 2 games a week for the rest of the season????
Croydon is a strong club and I hope the behaviour of one doesn’t ruin the reputation for a whole. I’m really hoping the club can band together and help heal some of these girls and make them find the love that they used to have for soccer, because at the end of the day, it really is a beautiful game!
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