Old Master wrote:You are obsessed with Hoddle, who by the way, was a decent player but a total cretin as a manager of England (can't blame him too much though as the poor chap was a Southerner), I have never seen him as anything else, but you choose to lie every time you lodge a post by describing him as my 'hero'.
Just another example of your lying and fabrication of facts.
The objects 'thrown on to the pitch' were Tennis balls, not the sharpened coins Millwall supporters are prone to using.
The pitch was not 'invaded' it was taken over during the half time break by supporters walking onto the field and sitting down until the security staff started getting rough with them, but there was no violence, just gentle resistance.
I don't defend Leeds because there is no need to, they are no worse, or better than many other clubs supporters, such as Millwall & Watford, and, as you cannot accept that they do any wrong why should I?

OK time to show you up AGAIN!! Does it not get boring for you?
However, I'm sure you will run away and not answer any questions though seeing as you are a proven liar and a coward.
What makes you think I'm obsessed with Glen Hoddle?
When have I ever stated that he's your hero?
Can you please provide some proof of Millwall throwing "sharpened coins", can you also provide a list of objects that are allowed to be thrown on the pitch as well?
Can you explain the difference between invading a pitch and taking it over?
Leeds no worse than Watford? Is it nice in your dream world? I have accepted when Millwall have done wrong, you seem to think that Leeds and Watford are on the same level.
AND FINALLY "another example of your lying", I ask that you back up that comment and show these examples of my lies.