Davidovich Bronstein wrote:Grosso wrote:Must be a pretty uncivilised place
It's a paradise compared to Stalin's Soviet Union.
I got lost whilst driving one day and asked for directions in Elizabeth North- found out it can be a very uncivilised place! Got to f*** out of there pretty quickly and found my own way. To be perfectly honest you take the rough with the smooth as it can be heaven on earth or hell itself (living in Scotland). Eventually moved as it was losing it's way without sounding too political. Until you have visited you will not grasp what I am talking about but if you do decide to spread your wings and visit one day please take this advice:
1. June to September is best weather wise as you won't freeze your bollocks off (though you may still get soaked to the skin).
2. Keep your religious and political beliefs to yourself. This includes football as it is considered a religion in most parts.
3. Beware the infamous Midges (pronounced Mi-jees), these guys (or rather gals as only the female bites) can be an enormous nuisance during the warmer and balmy summer evenings. Much like the mosquito here it can be a proper pain in the ass, or anywhere else for that matter. These small insects can cause havoc close to rivers, streams, ponds etc.
4. A friendly smile usually goes a long way. Most of us are a friendly bunch and love visitors.
Love it or hate it, it is an experience you are never likely to forget and this goes for the whole of the UK as it all has its own charm, pitfalls and uniqueness.