God is an Englishman wrote:What technicality have I been caught in?gone wrote:I log back in after a couple of months away and what do I find? GIAE caught out in the sort of technicality he loves pulling other people up on, only to refuse to acknowledge that this time he was the one caught out and instead twisting it around and saying the other person is the one at fault. His need to be right dominates everything. A sad man. I haven't regretted leaving this board. In fact I recommend it. If admin had any interest in keeping this board alive they might like to have a quiet word with him. I'm off again. May or may not check in again in another couple of months.
P.S. You've not been missed so leave it longer next time.
I also know this isn't the first time you've logged in in those months.
Admit it 'God is NOT an Englishman', you are incapable of admitting you are ever w..r...on..g, it is simply beyond your capacity and arrogant personality to accept.