Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

Hatchet Squad wrote:
Hateful8 wrote:Just wondering, if this decision has been made to unify club policy then where and when were the notices for the federation coaches advertised?
must be the dreaded curse of winning the southern cup ........
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

Have you read this Orakle which has been posted on Seafords FB page for a few days now? ......Amateur players and supporters please be advised a change of process does not necessarily mean a change of coach! It is simply the clubs intent to unify all procedures ... The gossip and negativity being created by certain people is exactly the reason why seaford are attempting to even the playing field so that every group/member within the club has equal voice and opportunity .... Unifying our procedures will ensure Seaford as a whole move forward and all members are given accurate communication process, eliminating miscommunication and allowing all to be informed of what's going on within our fantastic club. An information session relaying all intended procedures for 2016 including registration, fee structure etc is being organised at a date to be confirmed. Stay tuned !........
I wonder who they are referring too !!!!!! LOL LOL[/quote]

. I don't do facebook but that sounds wonderfull. just what ive always wanted for my club. when does it start,the sooner the better cos the southern cup starts soon. first game is supposed to be at seaford as we are holders. all the club wants know is WHY. there is an old saying,if it aint broke don't fix it so please inform the people who need to know asap please. :roll:
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

obviously iam not going to get a date or a time.nor is anyone else seemingly. I mean I think its daft but then iam not privy any more to what the powers that be realy want. the equasion is simple. dicko will coach the amateurs again. all they have to do is to ask him. the players are all behind him 100%. he does the bloody job for free. he has been highly successful over the past 5 years. should be a no brainer but apparently not. :o :shock: :?
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

The Scotland job must be curse!!!! First Ben Dale then Dicko .... 2 blokes that have bleed for the club and put in the hard yards for no cost ....
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

THE ORAKLE wrote:obviously iam not going to get a date or a time.nor is anyone else seemingly. I mean I think its daft but then iam not privy any more to what the powers that be realy want. the equasion is simple. dicko will coach the amateurs again. all they have to do is to ask him. the players are all behind him 100%. he does the bloody job for free. he has been highly successful over the past 5 years. should be a no brainer but apparently not. :o :shock: :?
Maybe they're trying to send you a message Orakle, stay away!!! Also Ben was a paid coach and so was Dicko until last Season. Dicko has also told many people over the past few months he does not want to coach this year.
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

Hamstel wrote:
THE ORAKLE wrote:obviously iam not going to get a date or a time.nor is anyone else seemingly. I mean I think its daft but then iam not privy any more to what the powers that be realy want. the equasion is simple. dicko will coach the amateurs again. all they have to do is to ask him. the players are all behind him 100%. he does the bloody job for free. he has been highly successful over the past 5 years. should be a no brainer but apparently not. :o :shock: :?
Maybe they're trying to send you a message Orakle, stay away!!! Also Ben was a paid coach and so was Dicko until last Season. Dicko has also told many people over the past few months he does not want to coach this year.
Not sure where its states " Ben coached for FREE"
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

Hamstel wrote:
THE ORAKLE wrote:obviously iam not going to get a date or a time.nor is anyone else seemingly. I mean I think its daft but then iam not privy any more to what the powers that be realy want. the equasion is simple. dicko will coach the amateurs again. all they have to do is to ask him. the players are all behind him 100%. he does the bloody job for free. he has been highly successful over the past 5 years. should be a no brainer but apparently not. :o :shock: :?
Maybe they're trying to send you a message Orakle, stay away!!! Also Ben was a paid coach and so was Dicko until last Season. Dicko has also told many people over the past few months he does not want to coach this year.
Well I took a guess and this bit meant free...... ". 2 blokes that have bleed for the club and put in the hard yards for no cost ...." certainly comes over like free to me??
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

not in any comment that Orakle has made.... which you copied his quote.

so your telling me that both were paid every year when coaching but also never went above and beyond what their roles were...

but as they say clubs loss is one clubs gain ......
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

bloodypassit wrote:not in any comment that Orakle has made.... which you copied his quote.

so your telling me that both were paid every year when coaching but also never went above and beyond what their roles were...

but as they say clubs loss is one clubs gain ......
This childishness is why I don't usually comment on here, maybe if you took time to find out the facts before you comment it would be different. Nobody has said both have not done over and above and they more than earned the money they were paid, however sometimes things have to change, and as I previously said Dicko has told a lot of people he does not want the job this year and has been saying that since before the end of last season.
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

Hamstel wrote:
THE ORAKLE wrote:obviously iam not going to get a date or a time.nor is anyone else seemingly. I mean I think its daft but then iam not privy any more to what the powers that be realy want. the equasion is simple. dicko will coach the amateurs again. all they have to do is to ask him. the players are all behind him 100%. he does the bloody job for free. he has been highly successful over the past 5 years. should be a no brainer but apparently not. :o :shock: :?
Maybe they're trying to send you a message Orakle, stay away!!! Also Ben was a paid coach and so was Dicko until last Season. Dicko has also told many people over the past few months he does not want to coach this year.
look pal if the mysterious THEY want to send me a message its easy. just front me and talk to me ok. same for dicko who has read your text and said he never said he didn't want to coach so don't try that on. what he did say was that he wouldent know what to do if they put the fees up yet again. he told me that and I believe him. he also told me he wants to coach the team because the team wants him to. that simple fact surely should not be lost on the committee by now. the fact that he is a loyal seaford man who wants to make sure the standard he has set goes on. he is only concerned with what happens on the grass and always has been. he is not interested in all the political stuff plus all the spin, intrigue and hidden agendas that we,as members seemingly are not privy to anymore. that seems strange to me, as iam only a life member who served on the committee for 25 years. iam a founder member of this club circa 1973. I was the first coach of the club. I played for them,i took money at the gate,i mowed the bloody pitch with my own lawn mower. I coached junior colts and later coached u17s and u19s.much later I was groundsman for 5 years until my body wouldent let me anymore. iam NOT patting myself on the back,i just bleed for something I helped to start. it does hurt that certain people who have been at the club about 5 minutes don't appreciate what people like dicko and I have done here. I also hold three coaching badges,awarded to me years ago under mike wells john evans and denis grant who made you work very hard for those badges,unlike today. nobody could possibly fail these days and its only 3 sunday mornings now. when mike wells presented me with my first badge I felt as if I had been awarded a VC and I was very proud. ok back to much ado about nothing. dicko is quite prepared to apply for the job next season if he must. remember that committees are elected by the members to govern on behalf of the members. they formulate policy and then are supposed to hand it to the members for scrutiny for a yes/no or compromise. SO where has that gone :?: :roll:
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by PASC »

Just to break it up for everyone else on this thread not concerned with our southern friends domestic issues I thought I would bring up the fact that Polonia is starting training tonight under new coach James Charnstrom at Hudson reserve 6.30 sharp.

Compulsory beers a the club after a hot day should go down nicely.
God is an Englishman wrote: As for me being a tosser on this forum, it's not just on the forum. I'm a tosser in real life as well.
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

Well if I was on Seafords committee I'd have to give Orakle the coaching position, that was an application wasn't it :?: :lol:
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

no it wasn' coaching days are over as I suspect you well know. I now enjoy my self imposed job as a sideline critic. coaching is a younger mans job,its not as easy as some may think. its time consuming and expensive. the many phone calls you need to make in a season is amazing. committee please take note. all dicko is asking for is a little bit of common respect of which all at seaford should surely know is well and truly earned. :roll:
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

Hamstel wrote:Well if I was on Seafords committee I'd have to give Orakle the coaching position, that was an application wasn't it :?: :lol:
Is Hamstel a place in Southend on Sea ???? A Noarlunga Life Member is from Hamstel
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

Hateful8 wrote:
bloodypassit wrote:
Hamstel wrote:Well if I was on Seafords committee I'd have to give Orakle the coaching position, that was an application wasn't it :?: :lol:
Is Hamstel a place in Southend on Sea ???? A Noarlunga Life Member is from Hamstel
A betting man would suggest this is someone who is on, or has close ties with the committee at Seaford. Orakle is correct on in his comment about the players wanting Dicko to continue on.
When is this information night someone was going on about last week?
wouldent need an information night if the committee would swallow their pride for the greater good of our club and hand dicko the job before he loses patience and tells them to jam it. I would have done that by now which makes dicko a better seaford man than me. that's what they have to do if they want 45 guys out there with 300 bucks to spend. more importantly we have the southern cup to defend very soon and all the kudos that go with having won something for the club.a large portion of that money I mentioned would,i suppose go towards subsidising fed players wages who,im sorry to say despite their best efforts have never won anything. iam just at a loss to understand how all this has come about and is not doing my clubs image any good so please resolve it asap in favour of most of the members who the club matters to. remember that you are there to govern on behalf of these members not dictate to them. ok that's my final word on this subject. hopefully I can look forward to happier and less stressfull times in the future
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

To clear up a few mistaken guesses, I am NOT from Hamstel, or from Southend on Sea. Orakle I thought you said you were a Clubman but it would appear you are just a Seaford amateur man not a clubman at all. I hope none of your federation players read your bull**** on here, you say you are enjoying your job as sideline critic but i don't know that your fellow club members/players would be enjoying your continual criticism and misguided comments on things you obviously know nothing about. You say the committee should listen to its members, from what I've heard there wasn't many at the recent AGM. A real club man would not be so critical of his club on a public forum, maybe your committee should look at your negativity and incorrect comments on public media and take action, I am sure my club would take appropriate action against you. That's it from me I've better things to do in my life than read this childish s..t on here, I could be watching paint dry or grass growing that would be more entertaining.
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

Hamstel wrote:To clear up a few mistaken guesses, I am NOT from Hamstel, or from Southend on Sea. Orakle I thought you said you were a Clubman but it would appear you are just a Seaford amateur man not a clubman at all. I hope none of your federation players read your bull**** on here, you say you are enjoying your job as sideline critic but i don't know that your fellow club members/players would be enjoying your continual criticism and misguided comments on things you obviously know nothing about. You say the committee should listen to its members, from what I've heard there wasn't many at the recent AGM. A real club man would not be so critical of his club on a public forum, maybe your committee should look at your negativity and incorrect comments on public media and take action, I am sure my club would take appropriate action against you. That's it from me I've better things to do in my life than read this childish s..t on here, I could be watching paint dry or grass growing that would be more entertaining.
Back track of the year !!!!
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

Are you calling me a liar bloodypassit????
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

Hamstel wrote:Are you calling me a liar bloodypassit????
Watching the paint dry must be boring ...
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hatchet Squad »

I don't log on for a day and now its kicking off. :lol:
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

Hatchet Squad wrote:I don't log on for a day and now its kicking off. :lol:
It has been pure VALue!!!!!
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

Hateful8 wrote:
bloodypassit wrote:
Hatchet Squad wrote:I don't log on for a day and now its kicking off. :lol:
It has been pure VALue!!!!!
Thanks for clearing that up :D
Not too sure what's been cleared up here maybe you'd like to share, Steve Ling??
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by ExtraTime »

I'm sure we can share each other's real name
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Stitch This »

Grosso would sort it all out in a flash.
Time for some righteous indignation
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

Hamstel wrote:To clear up a few mistaken guesses, I am NOT from Hamstel, or from Southend on Sea. Orakle I thought you said you were a Clubman but it would appear you are just a Seaford amateur man not a clubman at all. I hope none of your federation players read your bull**** on here, you say you are enjoying your job as sideline critic but i don't know that your fellow club members/players would be enjoying your continual criticism and misguided comments on things you obviously know nothing about. You say the committee should listen to its members, from what I've heard there wasn't many at the recent AGM. A real club man would not be so critical of his club on a public forum, maybe your committee should look at your negativity and incorrect comments on public media and take action, I am sure my club would take appropriate action against you. That's it from me I've better things to do in my life than read this childish s..t on here, I could be watching paint dry or grass growing that would be more entertaining.
iam a club man. I want to see all facets of this club do well. I just watch the games now dopey. sideline critic just means iam part of the bloody an example there are 76,000 sideline critics at old Trafford every fortnight. but,i must admit you are right in one respect. club business should remain within the club and that tells me im not perfect which I freely confess. I have not been nasty or insulting but my comments have come from my heart and are true as I see it,so apart from dredging you up on here and taking you away from watching paint dry what have I done wrong. :?: the sole reason I have been on about the amateurs is because everything else within the club is going ok. spoke to dicko who said he would feel better if he truly knew what and why. please do us all at seaford a favour and go back to watching grass grow,you who says iam not part of the club but probably at the agm as i was. there was a reason for the low turnout at the agm which I will not divulge on here ok :roll:
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Statler and Waldorf »

bloodypassit wrote:
Hatchet Squad wrote:I don't log on for a day and now its kicking off. :lol:
It has been pure VALue!!!!!
Not as much value as a stay in Conway, beautiful this time of year
Whats wrong with you?
Its either indigestion or this forum, and I hope its indigestion
Because at least I know that will get better in a little while
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Hamstel »

Statler and Waldorf wrote:
bloodypassit wrote:
Hatchet Squad wrote:I don't log on for a day and now its kicking off. :lol:
It has been pure VALue!!!!!
Not as much value as a stay in Conway, beautiful this time of year
:lol: :lol: any more guesses maybe one of you can come close :roll: not doing so well so far
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by jim.mcguinness »

I think this one has gone far enough , not a good advert for football in the south , our Northern neighbours will be having a laugh , we all love the football , lets just get on with it , see you down the club ,Jim
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by THE ORAKLE »

jim.mcguinness wrote:I think this one has gone far enough , not a good advert for football in the south , our Northern neighbours will be having a laugh , we all love the football , lets just get on with it , see you down the club ,Jim
you are dead right jim. its all ado about nothing and the solution couldent have been simpler. but although it still irks me I certainly will not comment any more on this subject
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Re: Sunday div 3 - Results, News, Banter

Post by Frank Costanza »

jim.mcguinness wrote:I think this one has gone far enough , not a good advert for football in the south , our Northern neighbours will be having a laugh , we all love the football , lets just get on with it , see you down the club ,Jim
you are dead right jim. its all ado about nothing and the solution couldent have been simpler. but although it still irks me I certainly will not comment any more on this subject
Good - just make sure the bar is stocked up when Polonia visit this season!
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