We have lost Sierra Stars from our division 4 the league has kicked the club out because the use of federation players.Its called fair play. Good luck to all the teams in division 4 for the rest of the season.
armandobruno wrote:We have lost Sierra Stars from our division 4 the league has kicked the club out because the use of federation players.Its called fair play. Good luck to all the teams in division 4 for the rest of the season.
THE ORAKLE wrote:surely it is time for chickenowski to put his bloody foot down to save the credibility of the league he has presided over for all of 40 years.
Barnacle if your goin to have a go at someone you need to get a couple of things right
Alex's surname is Cichanowski and the position he holds (on his own since 1972) is
General Secretary if your having a go at the president then his name is Bill Bailey
i know how to spell his name rodent but i have been saying on here for some time now that these reffo clubs are getting away with murder and nothing is being done. one can only assume the money the govt give mr c to set these, erm clubs up must be so much that he cannot turn it away, they have proved that they dont care about rules etc and are a law unto themselves. the govt need to stop the money and watch mr c suddenly grow a set and bring some credibility back to the amatuer league. perhaps bill bailey will at last come home and help him.
THE ORAKLE wrote:i know how to spell his name rodent but i have been saying on here for some time now that these reffo clubs are getting away with murder and nothing is being done. one can only assume the money the govt give mr c to set these, erm clubs up must be so much that he cannot turn it away, they have proved that they dont care about rules etc and are a law unto themselves. the govt need to stop the money and watch mr c suddenly grow a set and bring some credibility back to the amatuer league. perhaps bill bailey will at last come home and help him.
you should pop down to the saasl and tell them what you think. maybe saying that face to face, if you have the courage, may push them in the right direction.
already been done mate by bloody passit. he has been down there and nothing has been done. as you must know everything is down to the dollar these days and until the govt money stops the league will turn a blind eye. its not a level playing field any more as normal clubs wouldent dare to behave in the same way as the retribution would be instant.
THE ORAKLE wrote:already been done mate by bloody passit. he has been down there and nothing has been done. as you must know everything is down to the dollar these days and until the govt money stops the league will turn a blind eye. its not a level playing field any more as normal clubs wouldent dare to behave in the same way as the retribution would be instant.
Why drag me into this argument..... anyway the SAASL acted 2 weeks and expelled Sierra Stars plus another club is under investigation playing a FFSA registered player that has not been cleared by his FFSA club.
yes i know but you know they will be back next season calling themselves something else and carrying on exactly the same which just means same old same old and nothing is done. if we know who they are then the league surely must also. so,seeing as they shouldent need to be told but constantly turn a blind eye and let it continue one can only conclude that the money the govt gives the league is considerable as iam sure the powers that be at headquarters would have come down heavily on these ,erm clubs by now. its just a shame,the league has been ran well for years but has now come down to this. money ruins everything. sad but true. ps mr passit i was giving you a pat on the back cos i know you have been down there having a go at them and good on you for trying. i also know that if they wont listen to you what chance have i got. iam in full agreement with you on this and know plenty of others who feel the same.