ontheblackburner wrote:LRO wrote:Fact Hunt wrote:Interesting that a former head coach of Florina gets to referee their game against the Downs?????
For the record I don't necessarily think he was biased, just terrible.
I think the last thing Florina need to worry about is who the Referee is!!! Referee had no input into the game or the result!
What LRO said is pretty spot on.
But Fact Hunt raises a good point. We had a ref earlier this year do the reserves against Inter. He killed the game and made some bizarre decisions. Then he ran the line in the As. After a bit of a handbags on one side of the pitch which the field ref felt a warning was suitable, he called over the ref and said he "saw" the incident from the other side (and opposite) of the park and our player got a yellow.
He's a former inter player.
Surely former players/coaches turned refs shouldn't be allowed to ref the teams they've represented.
So Fact Hunt and Blackburner are we to recruit our Refs from interstate/overseas?
Alot of the criticism of Refs on this forum is that they dont understand the game.
In my experience as a player/coach/referee most of the best Refs had played the game at a decent level. In little Adelaide you cant have it both ways.
You either get ex players/coaches with previous connections or you get Refs who know the rules but have never played (except maybe at primary school).
I was a Saturday Fed/Collegiate Ref but didnt do Sundays as i would rather watch my boys play their JPL and later SAASL.
I'm not saying I would have been considered good enough to Ref Sun Div 1. But under your criteria I would have been virtually in-eligable for Div 1 as
I played with ED, SI & WB, played with the current PG coach and later coached a couple of the SK lads. As I am "connected" with 5 of the Div 1 teams, even IF I WAS THE BEST REF youd still prefer someone with no connections like Gregan??