volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

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volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by bandito »

just putting this out there, having been on both sides of the fence (club official and volunteer), who is right or wrong. a lot of clubs have issues with lack of parent help on game day, as a club official this is frustrating and upsetting. but on the other hand as a parent on the sidelines, talking to other parents, some have genuine reasons not to lift a finger. the mentality is, that ive paid fees and its the clubs problem to sort out linesmen, ground marshalls, nets etc. how do we fix this problem? any thoughts?
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by Socca »

Charge these same parents who don't want to lift a finger even more by lifting the fees, and then pay the 'volunteers' who do help out
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by magnet »

I don't get paid for coaching so if I'm willing to put in 6+ hours a week I am sure a parent can run the line. It's the parents who constantly turn up with Dogs who delibrately do it to avoid running the line that annoy me.
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by coutinho10 »

There are some great volunteers and parent helpers out there and usually it is them time and time again helping, setting up and refereeing. What really gets me annoyed though is out of the ones that never help & never referee (and as you said some believe it's the clubs problem) if that is there point and stand by it, then so be it but then shut up and support and enjoy the game because when losing or when it's a close game at an away teams venue there are some yelling out at the ref (volunteer) and causing grief for the un paid coach, volunteers and club.. These are ones who have a lot to say about where a team and club is going wrong but not once do any of them get off their arse to show how but then quick to use the I'm just here to support my kid & not help card yet be an arse
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by bandito »

im thinking along the same lines as "socca", is it just easier that everyone pay an extra fee at the start of the season, and pay something to some club appointed volunteers, to ensure that every week you know there is someone there to get the job done. some people might complain about this, but I cant see any other way.
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by juvefever »

Its easy to lump all parents who refuse to help in one group.....yes there are drop kick parents who dont help but are the first to have something to say, however, after speaking with some parents, clubs, I believe are so lacking in people skills and the word that pops up constantly is lack of respect. Clubs may call it disgruntled parents BUT there are ways to speak and ways of dealing with both parents and players. Especially as boys turn into young men clubs need to realize that if they want support and cooperation they MUST at least be seen to be supportive of ALL their players and not those who have connections or sponsors children. Time and time again players are disrespected or pushed aside with no regard, overlooked and not even given an opportunity (mind you all the while paying the same fees as the 'annointed ones') and then expect parents to pitch in and help......sorry it doesn't work that way. I even know of an instance where one particular parent sat on his fat ass for most of his sons soccer years. Furthermore was a trouble maker and a complainer, never contributing until his 'mate'took over the team. When it came for selection for the next season he said 'you just need to get in good with the coach'......guess where that boy is now! What will result in clubs showing disregard, disrespect and no appreciation is that good people and players will move on and the club will go backwards. I think committees need to think before they speak and act! It is a fact that not all players will make seniors in fact most won't but at the end of the day be honest with these young men, theyre not stupid, they can see the bullshit for what it is and if parents inturn support their kids....who could blame them.....their attitude is 'let the parents of the chosen ones' support the club as in turn its obvious the club supports their sons. Rant over!
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by Rookie »

magnet wrote:I don't get paid for coaching so if I'm willing to put in 6+ hours a week I am sure a parent can run the line. It's the parents who constantly turn up with Dogs who delibrately do it to avoid running the line that annoy me.

Or they magically appear minutes after the game starts. Should have a roster from round 1 and hand it to all the parents, if they can't make it then make it a condition that they need to arrange to swap with someone else
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by mancity »

Unfortunately you have these kind of supporters in every sport and they do my head in.
Its not that difficult to fix though.
For my lads team the manager sends out a linesman roster at the start of the season with every players Dad listed on it.
If you don't know the rules you learn them, if you cant do it one week, you sort it out yourself.
My daughters basketball club charges a volunteer levy of about $100 per season.
If you don't want to pay the levy you get allocated certain volunteer duties during the year, if you are happy to pay the levy you don't have to do anything.
Just a couple of points anyway !!
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Re: volunteers.... the good, the bad and the ugly.

Post by bandito »

some good points raised here, "juvefever", I do agree with some of your points, and can understand that angle from some parents point of view. even you guys that suggest the roster system, in the perfect world that is the answer, but in reality it never works, the same few parents putting up their hand, week in week out, while the rest magically appear after kick off. seems to be a widespread problem in all clubs, the only ones it has an effect on is the kids playing, who just want to play. I still think the one size fits all approach is the best solution (everyone pays extra). this will rule out any problems, excuses, bad volunteers (minority), that anyone might have for not helping.
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