I'm not so sure. I applaud the sentiment (and the purpose) but catchment areas doesn't necessarily work so well back in England.Steve#4 wrote:Read this on the Rochedale Rovers site.....Seems NPL in Brisbane is having teething problems as well.
I like the system on the surface though, Clubs with licenses having catchment areas and working with the clubs in that area.
http://www.rochedalerovers.com/images/s ... rikers.pdf
It's OK if there is enough space with the big boys for all of the talented kids in the catchment.
It's OK if all of the TDs and DOCs (as they are labelled in the linked pdf) get an equal and appropriate amount of help
It's OK if the scouting/recommendation network functions correctly - So the best kids are spotted
Back home, those points - and others - were/are not adequately covered.
It's a difficult subject, I think. A rock and a hard place for the FFA (and it's regions). Many, many kids - here and everywhere else - don't get the right level of coaching to see them fulfil their full potential. And the reverse, much quality coaching ends up being wasted on kids who don't make it (wasted is harsh, but hopefully you see what I mean).
From a Community Club standpoint; any way of attracting more labour (assistance) to help run the club (including coaching the kids) would be a blessing at (almost) every Community Club I have had dealings with. However, any added responsibilities, over and above those covered by the mentioned additional assistance, is going to be a big problem for many such clubs.
(It's hard enough as it is).
I also think there is a danger of noses being put out of joint ... which won't help anyone. A lot of tact is going to be needed - within individual catchment areas - to smooth out any personality issues that arise. I think there is a big danger the system will work very well in some catchments and not work at all in others.
(I should note: At least they are trying