So can anyone shed any light as to what is happening with the proposed league structure. I have read so much on here, discussed the plans with people associated with my son's club and am hearing some saying its a yes, and some saying it wont happen!
Heard there was a vote to take place? Is that correct?
So if anyone on here can give us a definite answer it would be greatly appreciated
I'm just a a parent trying to decide whats best for her son.
Clara K , I think you will find out its a done deal , premier league teams juniors in A div JPL . its from the FFA . but I will keep you posted . you never know . but its fairly certainly done
corona wrote:Clara K , I think you will find out its a done deal , premier league teams juniors in A div JPL . its from the FFA . but I will keep you posted . you never know . but its fairly certainly done
Thanks very much Corona. I'm finding this all very confusing!
So if i am understanding all this right, all the senior teams who are in the premier league next season (I assume after promotions and relegations have taken effect) their junior sides will also be a mirror image of that senior league?
corona wrote:Clara K , I think you will find out its a done deal , premier league teams juniors in A div JPL . its from the FFA . but I will keep you posted . you never know . but its fairly certainly done
So you have received a response from FFSA then of the outcome???? I thought the meeting was this Friday??? :?
ClaraK wrote:So can anyone shed any light as to what is happening with the proposed league structure. I have read so much on here, discussed the plans with people associated with my son's club and am hearing some saying its a yes, and some saying it wont happen!
Heard there was a vote to take place? Is that correct?
So if anyone on here can give us a definite answer it would be greatly appreciated
I'm just a a parent trying to decide whats best for her son.
Thank you
No one can give you a definite answer at this point in time. The FFSA Board has yet to make a decision.
The FFSA had a meeting of clubs last week and it was made clear to all present that it could be a few weeks before a decision is known.
What you can be certain of is that there was support from some clubs in favour of the proposal, and a lot of objections against. Each club had the opportunity to forward a submission addressing the discussion paper put out by the FFSA. These club submissions were then to be put to the Board for consideration.
It is very possible the FFSA will not introduce this structure for 2014 given the short lead time and the fact that some clubs are already conducting junior trials.
I hope the structure does come in next year. I couldn't bear the agony of having to continue this debate for another 12 to 24 months. Can we afford to lose another year or two to argument instead of moving forward and implementing what essentially is a good idea and seems inevitable.
ClaraK wrote:So can anyone shed any light as to what is happening with the proposed league structure. I have read so much on here, discussed the plans with people associated with my son's club and am hearing some saying its a yes, and some saying it wont happen!
Heard there was a vote to take place? Is that correct?
So if anyone on here can give us a definite answer it would be greatly appreciated
I'm just a a parent trying to decide whats best for her son.
Thank you
ClaraK, first things first, I assume you have asked your son where he would like to play?. Yes, playing A div comp is of course more competitive but is that where the analysis stops? Has your son got a good coach? is the club inviting and a good environment for your child? Does he enjoy playing with the team? I think you will find that if he enjoys where he is, and loves playing there, where you are is 'whats best for your son'.