legga wrote:On The Pine wrote:
Haha, for his sake I hope so. Calling someone a "pov" in the other sense is a bit Year 3, isn't it? Not to mention it is laced with delicious ironies (and insensitivity) when it comes from a bloke whose club is situated in one of the lowest socioeconomic localities in the amateur league.
What next, some homophobic slander? Oh, wait....too late.

Low socio economic area, how was your agm make another boat load of cash selling warm beers and black and gold pies, when is the last time you ventured into your clubs name sake the suburb Munno Para, flash area that. For you information your clubrooms are sitting in the same area, Elizabeth Downs. Dont tell me you actually thought you were situated in Craigmore or Blakeview, Elizabeth Downs area 4 is were you are sitting going by my council area maps you well informed meat head. As for Homophobe you mentioned backing up so way to go dudley do anything.
Bring on the chicko cup, we are in it your club has never been in it. You worry about when and what time your lowly C'2 have a run, should be a cracking crowd at 11.30....

As much as I thoroughly enjoyed the geography lesson (and the images of you dusting off your collection of council maps) I feel obliged to let you know where Munno Para sits geographically has exactly nothing to do with anything. I mean, I am not going to tell you how to live your life, but you may want to understand what the conversation is about
before you get stuck in with an irrelevant monologue and look more than just a little silly.
I'll break it down for you... this was never a "My club versus your club" argument. Warm beers? Well, that's distressing if true but again totally irrelevant. I brought up the status of YOUR clubs community because YOU made the comment. YOU fail to realise that the area your proud club represents, supports, and is supported by is an area that is listed as one of the most disadvantaged in the state. This is relevant because you made the comment. You see, if I had made the comment about you it would make sense for you to pull my club into the equation (For the record I wouldn't make that sort of comment because A) I don't know you and B) I find it distasteful to mock people because they may be more disadvantaged than I am).
If it makes me a "Meathead" because I think you should be accountable for your comments, well I will wear that label
proudly. The Downs is a great club with a lot of admirable qualities and an impressive history and some top quality people. It's a shame that, like some of the other "powerhouse clubs", there always seems to be a minority that come on here and think they are better and more important than others because of their clubs status and proceed to sling around whatever thoughtless personal insults come to mind. I'll give you the hot tip, no one gives a shit who your club is and I couldn't care less if this is your hundredth cup final and if my club makes 1 millionth of your profit, I just want to kick a ball around. Fancy that.