wannaplay wrote:Firstly thank you for highlighting that a cheat is a cheat . That we agree on.
Excuse me but I am 100% sure that WC have been disqualified .
Thirdly my own children did MU cup some years ago
Fourthly the kids that were beaten by WC should feel cheated . COS THEY WERE
On another note I have not said that WC had anything to do with the cheating . I have stated that the coach did . WC did inhereit a player with a probelm . His problem was a dadgy coach . Unfortunately they inherited him aswell. I dont think the kid involved did this on his own , The parents would have known and the coach would have suggested it to the parent . Was the coach or the parents thinking about their kid at the time or were they thinking about the comsequences The club can only go on what they are given by the parents and the coach
The coach was at a club and he registered the kid at that club . Then he moved to white city and bought the player with him . Who is the common factor here . Not the clubs . THE COACH
Again sour grapes . Maybe becuase WC made it into a final with an overage player
I thikn you should be ashamed of yourself for defending such behaviour . ( or your own behviour) I have done nothing wrong . I didnt CHEAT
And if the coach has not done anything wrong the club would not sack him . So we will have to wait and see who has the team for the rest of the year
Suck it up .
It might sadden you but there is nothing for me to suck up as I am not affiliated with WC. Bad luck for you on that one.
Your posts get better by the day, you can't even manage to get your own story straight or consistent.
So lets see
Post 1 by Wannaplay
In this post you mentioned that WC had a registration issue. Well there is a registration issue and you knew about it because it was you and your friends that went to the FFSA on this issue. Conveniently you kept quite on this detail until a later stage in this thread.
You then also mentioned in the same post that WC had played another over age player. Unfortunately for you you were wrong about the "other overage player" as this has never existed...This is you fabricating this story.
Post 2 by wannaplay
In this post you mentioned that
certain people bragged about getting away with falsified documents and that this person knew what he did a few years ago.
Post 5 by wannaplay
In this post you said
no coach that has done the wrong thing and knows it will own up to it after they get caught . The fact that they cheated in the first place shows the sort of character they really are.
Post 6 by wannaplay
In this post you also mentioned that you
know there is a coach that cheated. You also mentioned that
WC may be a little uncomfortable at the moment.....You are insinuating WC have knowingly done something wrong or against the rules.
Post 7 by wannaplay
In this post you said
"Why should WC be able to get away with playing an over age player in the MU cup when other teams have done the right thing". you then made this comment straight after
"I never said that WC did anything wrong" . Sorry, you have insinuated WC have knowingly done something wrong with your first comment.
You then came clean with the following
kids go to school and kids have mates and lots of kids have friends and kids have parents and many kids play club soccer
When some of those kids go to the same school as one of the players that is playing out of their age group and the MU cup comes around and some kids got kicked out of the competition because white city won their is going to be sour grapes
You also said this:
As for the previous club. i dont know which one and i dont care. The FFSA can sort that out
and this:
White city cheated because the coach didnt tell them that he had an overage player
Post 10 by wannaplay
you said this
"On another note I have not said that WC had anything to do with the cheating"...Well yes you did, see comments in your post number 7. You have also insinuated this in your post number 6.
You have then added this pearler to the equation as well
"I dont think the kid involved did this on his own , The parents would have known and the coach would have suggested it to the parent" Now your story telling has reached another level. Now you are telling us the the parents the lad and the coach were in this together....WOW just WOW!!!
You also made this comment:
"The coach was at a club and he registered the kid at that club" . Well hang on, you said this in post number 7:
"As for the previous club. i dont know which one and i dont care. The FFSA can sort that out"
How on earth would you know that the coach registered the lad when you have previously claimed you knew nothing about the previous club.
You can't have it both ways, you either knew or you didn't....either way one of these statements is a lie.
You also said this:
"And if the coach has not done anything wrong the club would not sack him". Guess what, he has nor been sacked. This is another example of your story telling.
Apparently you don't have a vendetta against this coach, most of your posts suggest otherwise.
You have told us all these kids go to school together, they have mates and parents and the kids play soccer. Who needs enemies when they have friends like you.
If all these kids are friends, I would imagine parents also know each other but it seems that you at no stage spoke to the lads parents about a discrepancy that you knew existed for at least 12 months, see your comments in post 10.
For some reason you had an epiphany and have been overcome with morality after sitting on this for 12 months and doing nothing about it.
I don't believe other parents were involved, I think you lack the courage to admit this was of your own doing or that you were the ring leader in this saga...all because of sour grapes as you admit in post number 7.
It is also my understanding that when the lad was first registered a birth certificate was provided to the FFSA as part of his registration, so who is at fault there Einstein??
Seriously you are a piece of work, you spin stories to cover his own backside. If you knew about this 12 months ago as you have said, you are as responsible as anyone for sitting on this for this long without a whisper...you said nothing for 12 months....NOTHING!!! Sadly you didn't have the same morals back then that you have today.
You then have the audacity to suggest that they coach, parents and the lad were in this together, quite unbelievable.
Out of all this the only item you have got right is that there is a registration issue. People on this forum will make their own minds up, rightly or wrongly, but you have shown this forum that your version of events can not be relied upon with any degree of accuracy regarding how this occurred and who is responsible.
You have also shown this forum the vindictive ignorant person you are.
I wait with bated breath for your next version of story telling.