Western Toros are pleased to announce their 2013 Community Initiative that will make Club Soccer more affordable for Junior Families. In 2013, the club will fund all Junior Boys and Girls FFSA Registration and Club Facility Fees, drastically reducing the cost to families who are struggling or unable to meet current costs associated with playing club soccer.
The clubs aim in 2013 is to expand its current community programme so as to rejuvenate community spirit and build a culture of respect, solidarity and multiculturalism in the western suburbs.
"Our club is not just driven by football success but by community."
All junior players are encouraged to attend trial dates below in order to be a part of this special community intiative and secure their position in Toros 2013 FFSA junior teams.

Western Toros is also seeking players for its PREMIER and RESERVE Womens Teams for Season 2013. Players are invited to trial as the club will be strongly working on developing and improving players throughout the year with goalkeeper specialist training also being available.
Western Toros is a family-orientated club based in the Western suburbs, run by committed volunteers and prides itself on being one of the few clubs in Adelaide that fields teams in the Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Premier and Reserve League Women and State League Men Competitions of the FFSA.
New Coaches, team managers and volunteers are also welcome and encouraged to get in touch with the club.
Trial Dates are:
Sunday 21st October & Sunday 28th October 2012
9-10am – Under 8 to Under 13 boys
10.30-12.00 noon – Under 14 to Under 17 boys
12 noon-1pm – Under 9 to Under 17 girls
1.30-2.30pm – Senior Women
Wednesday 24th October 2012
6-7pm – Under 8 to Under 13 boys / Under 9 to Under 15 girls
6.30-7.30pm – Under 14 to Under 17 boys & Under 17 girls & Senior Women
Contact numbers:
Sporting Director: John Heenan 0418 814 546
Boys Frank Scorsonelli 0402 990 001
Girls & Women’s Leigh Matthews 0412 591 478
Pam Dowling 0421 844 756
TRIAL LOCATION: All trials will be held at our home ground, Pennington Reserve, Cnr Collins & Gilligan Street, Pennington.