WT BIRKALLA trials info. For 2013

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WT BIRKALLA trials info. For 2013

Post by EzyG »

2013 Season Trials commence October 14, 2012

2013 Season Junior Trials Information

Trials will be held at West Torrens Birkalla Soccer Club, Con Makris Park, cnr Saratoga Drive and Morphett Road, Novar Gardens. Players are requested not to trial in club strips and wear appropriate attire. Coaches will make their final selection in consultation with the Junior Coaching Directors and players will be notified by email. It is the responsibility of the parent/player to provide email details.

Under 6 (Born 2007) Under 7 (Born 2006) Under 8 (Born 2005) and Under 9 (Born 2004)

The above age groups are to attend the following Registration Sessions (not Trials):

Monday 15 October 2012: 6pm - 7.30pm and Thursday 18 October 2012: 6pm - 7.30pm

Under 10 (Born 2003)

Monday 15 October 2012: 6pm - 7pm and Thursday 18 October 2012: 6pm - 7pm (Final Trial)

Under 11 (Born 2002)

Tuesday 16 October 2012: 6pm - 7pm; Thursday 18 October 2012: 6pm - 7pm and Saturday 20 October 2012 10.30am - 12pm (Final Trial)

Under 12 (Born 2001)


OPEN TRIALS: Saturday 20 October 2012: 10.30am - 12pm and Sunday 21 October 2012: 10.30am - 12pm (Final Trial)

Under 13 (Born 2000)


Under 14 (Born 1999)

Sunday 14 October 2012: 10am - 12pm and Wednesday 17 October 2012: 6pm - 8pm (Final Trial)

Under 15 (Born 1998) and Under 16 (Born 1997)

Sunday 14 October 2012: 12.30pm - 2.30pm; Tuesday 16 October 2012: 6pm - 8pm; Thursday 18 October 2012: 6pm - 8pm and Sunday 21 October 2012: 12.30pm - 2.30pm (Final Trial)

Under 17 (Born 1996)

Sunday 14 October 2012: 3.30pm - 5.30pm; Monday 15 October 2012: 6pm - 8pm; Friday 19 October 2012: 6pm - 8pm and Sunday 21 October 2012: 2.30pm - 4.30pm (Final Trial)


 For more info go to website


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