With all these 'issues' that come on here every Sunday arvo, either about the ref, or the cheating linesman, or the crazy/fighting parents, or the army style coach, or the parents wanting to know the score so desperately they can't wait until Tuesday etc, etc, etc, etc, and everything else that comes up
Yes it's a younger team, but at the end of the day, ALL the kids that go out to play every weekend just want to have fun and play with their mates .... yes, they want to win, but if they don't, it's us parents that have all the excuses why they didn't
At ALL ages, teach them dignity, humility, even when they win or lose, and lead by example, they learn from US !!
If this video doesn't put a smile on your face and gives you a reality check, then you're doing it ('it' being coaching, or driving your child to trainings and games) for the wrong reasons
Remember why we played sport when we were kids .... To keep fit and have fun !!!!
Thanks for listening, hopefully it changes some 'attitudes' out there ...
Captain Croatia