God is an Englishman wrote:be sensible, they're not going to come round with a tape measure. As long as your shin pads are a decent size then it won't be an issue.
so make a ridiculous rule going too far in the hope that people half follow it and thus improve the standards?
as soon as someone puts some detail, eg length of so and so on, minimum size then they open themselves up to a whole raft of litigation. The FIFA rule is sufficient enough in saying that the shin guard will provide a reasonable degree of protection. 'Reasonable" being the operative word and able to be defended, but to put an actual definitive, "within one to two centimetres" leaves not only the lawmakers but the law enforcers (referees) with a case to explain. But so be it, if the 'LOCAL' lawmakers of the beautiful game want it measured in millimetres then who am I to tell em "BE TOLD"
Of course back in the old days when people took responsibility for their actions it was left down to the individual but that can't happen now that everyone tries to find someone else to blame when they do something wrong or their decision is proved a wrong one.
Never argue with an idiot - they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
What are some helpful handball strategies and plans? Im in junior high and my school is having a handball tournament. what are some good strategies you have?
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Last edited by kuhnlafa on Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
kuhnlafa wrote:What are some helpful handball strategies and plans? Im in junior high and my school is having a handball tournament. what are some good strategies you have?
Strategy 1....Learn how to read properly and not post in a totally unrelated forum.
Strategy 2....Repeat the above.